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ApiConsts Fields

The ApiConsts type exposes the following members.

Public fieldStatic memberApiFacility
the facility number from API reported errors
Public fieldStatic memberErrorCodeMask
the bit mask that can be applied to the ErrorCode of an ArticyApiException to extract the error number
Public fieldStatic memberFacilityMask
the bitmask used to extract the facility number from the ErrorCode of an ArticyApiException. This mask must be applied after shifting down the bits.
Public fieldStatic memberFacilityShift
the number of bits the facility bits are shifted up (left)
Public fieldStatic memberMsgSrcApi
the message source used to report API related messages
Public fieldStatic memberMsgSrcSystem
the message source used to report "system" messages from the underlying articy:draft client
Public fieldStatic memberServerFacility
the facility number for articy:server reported errors
See Also