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MacroPluginShowQueryBox Method

Shows a query box to enter a single value. This is a convenience wrapper of the same method of the Session, but uses the plugins display name if no caption text was provided with the call.

Namespace:  Articy.Api.Plugins
Assembly:  ArticyApp (in ArticyApp.dll) Version: 1.0.0
public Nullable<bool> ShowQueryBox(
	ref string aInput,
	string aCaption = null,
	string aInfoText = null,
	Func<string, string> aValidationFunction = null


Type: SystemString
the value that is used to pre-populte the textfield on input and the value that gets the current value when the user closed the box using 'OK'
aCaption (Optional)
Type: SystemString
The text or loca-Id of the window caption
aInfoText (Optional)
Type: SystemString
The text that is shown in the info area of the dialog. Supports bb text markup
aValidationFunction (Optional)
Type: SystemFuncString, String
An optional method to validate the value currently edited. Gets the current value as input and expects null if no error is present or a literal text or loca id in case of an error

Return Value

Type: NullableBoolean
the return value is true if the user clicked OK, false on cancel or null otherwise
See Also