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ApiLocationTools Methods

The ApiLocationTools type exposes the following members.

Public methodCircleToPolygon
Converts a specified zone from a circle to a polygon
Public methodCircleToRectangle
Converts a specified zone from a circle to a rectangle
Public methodClearCropRect
Resets the cropping of a specified LocationImage
Public methodCreateAnchor
Creates an anchor of a specified LocationObject at a specified position
Public methodCreateTransformer
Creates a transformer object to enable transformation mode for LocationObjects
Public methodGetImageCropRect
Gets the cropping rectangle of a specified LocationImage
Public methodGetLocalBoundingBox
Gets the local bounding box of a specific LocationObject
Public methodGetLocalVertices
Gets a list of points containing the coordinates for the local vertices
Public methodGetLocationBitmap
Gets the rendered bitmap for the current location with a specified maxmimum size
Public methodGetPosition
Gets the position of a specific LocationObject
Public methodGetTransformedBoundingBox
Gets the transformed bounding box of a specific LocationObject
Public methodGetTransformedVertices
Gets a list of points containing the coordinates for the transformed vertices
Public methodGetTransformMatrix
Gets the transform matrix of a specified LocationObject
Public methodPolygonToCircle
Converts a specified zone from a polygon to a circle
Public methodPolygonToRectangle
Converts a specified zone from a polygon to a rectangle
Public methodRemoveAllAnchors
Removes all anchors of a specified AnchoredObjects
Public methodRemoveAnchor
Deletes a specified anchor
Public methodResetAspectHorizontal
Resets the aspect ratio of a specified LocationImage in horizontal mode
Public methodResetAspectVertical
Resets the aspect ratio of a specified LocationImage in vertical mode
Public methodResetTransformation
Resets the transformation for a specified LocationObject. Sets the rotation to 0.0, the TransformXAxis to 1.0/0.0 and the TransformYAxis to 0.0/1.0
Public methodSaveLocationAsJpeg
Saves the current location as a jpeg file with a specified filename, a maximum size and a specified quality level
Public methodSaveLocationAsPng
Saves the current location as a png file with a specified filename and a maximum size
Public methodSaveLocationAsXps
Saves the current location as an xps file with a specified filename
Public methodSetImage
Assigns a specified image asset to a specified LocationImage object
Public methodSetImageCropRect
Sets the cropping rectangle of a specified LocationImage with a specified rectangle. The cropping coordinates are from 0.0 to 1.0 for each axis
Public methodSetPosition
Sets the position of a LocationObject to a new point
Public methodSimplifyPath
Simplifies the path of a specified shape, thus reducing the points count along the path with a specified tolerance.
See Also