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MacroPlugin Methods

The MacroPlugin type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddGlobalLogEntry
Adds an entry to the main articy:draft log-file 'articy.log'
Public methodAddLogEntry
Adds an entry to the plugin-private log
Public methodCanAddPin
Callback to check if adding a pin is allowed
Public methodCanRemovePin
Callback to check if removing a pin is allowed
Public methodExecuteProtocol
Is called from the articy:// protocol handler if the called url is like articy://./plugin/<technical name of plugin>/<cmd>
Public methodGetIcon
Provide icons based on their technical names
Public methodGetMenuEntries(ListObjectProxy) Obsolete.
Requests command descriptors to create a context menu
Public methodGetMenuEntries(ListObjectProxy, ContextMenuContext)
Requests command descriptors to create a context menu. This is the newer version that also provides information about the source context of the request. Available since version 3.1.6
Public methodInitialize
Method that is called once directly after the plugin was loaded into the articy:draft process. If your plugin uses own WPF resource dictionaries you need to register them within this method using RegisterResource(String)
Public methodIsCreatingAllowed
Callback to check if creating the given object at the given location is allowed.
Public methodIsCuttingAllowed
called to check if cutting the given objects is allowed
Public methodIsDeletingAllowed
called to check if deleting the given objects is allowed
Public methodIsPastingAllowed
Checks if pasting is possible
Public methodIsRelocatingAllowed
Checks if relocating is possible
Public methodIsRenamingAllowed
Callback to check if renaming the display name of the given object is allowed.
Public methodJourneyPointHit
Called when a journey point was hit
Public methodLocalizeString
looks up a localized string with the given Loca-Id and formats the resulting text with the given parameters using the normal string.Format patterns
Public methodLocalizeStringNoFormat
looks up a localized string with the given Loca-Id
Public methodObjectCreated
Called when an object was created and just before entering the "auto-rename" on new objects
Public methodObjectsCopying
called to inform the plugin that the given objects are put into the clipboard
Public methodObjectsCutted
called after the delete has be done
Public methodObjectsCutting
Called when the list of objects are about to be cut off the project. Called before the operation to use the given still valid objects
Public methodObjectsDeleted
called after the delete has be done
Public methodObjectsDeleting
Called when the list of objects are about to be deleted from the project. Called before the operation to use the given still valid objects
Public methodObjectsPasted
called after the paste is complete. This is the backward compatibility hook and is called from ObjectsPastedEx without the aFromCut parameter
Public methodObjectsPastedEx
called after the paste is complete. This call can distinguish the cases where the paste comes from a previous cut or copy operation
Public methodObjectsPasting
called when a pasting starts at the given target container
Public methodObjectsRelocated
called after the relocate
Public methodObjectsRelocating
called before the relocate
Public methodPartitionLoaded
Called when the a multi-user partition was loaded as part of a claim or update command
Public methodPartitionPublished
Called after the a multi-user partition was published or unclaimed
Public methodPartitionPublishing
Called before a multi-user partition is published or unclaimed
Public methodPartitionsPublished
Called after a multi-user partition is published or unclaimed, can be used to prevent publishing if a non null error is returned. Will be called after the "PartitionPublished" callback
Public methodPartitionUnloaded
Called when the a multi-user partition was unloaded. Called when a partition is either claimed or updated
Public methodPartitionUnloading
Called when the a multi-user partition is about to be unloaded. Called when a partition is either claimed or updated
Public methodProjectLoaded
called directly after a project was loaded.
Public methodProjectSaved
Called after the project was saved
Public methodProjectSaving
Called before the project is being saved
Public methodProjectUnloaded
Called when the project was unloaded. Can be used to free resources. Any access to objects will fail.
Public methodProjectUnloading
Called when the project starts unloading (closing the project or articy:draft)
Public methodRegisterResource(String)
Register the resource dictionary given by the relative Uri-String to the main WPF application resources
Public methodRegisterResource(Uri, String)
Register the resource dictionary given by the Uri to the main WPF application resources
Public methodSetLogTypes
Sets up the log types that should be written into the log.
Public methodShowMessageBox
Shows a message box with the given parameters
Public methodShowQueryBox
Shows a query box to enter a single value. This is a convenience wrapper of the same method of the Session, but uses the plugins display name if no caption text was provided with the call.
Public methodTemplateChanged
called after an object gets a new template.
Public methodTemplateChanging
called before an object gets a new template.
Public methodTemplatePropertyChanged
Called when a template property has changed
Public methodTemplatePropertyChanging
Called when a template property is about to be changed (since articy:draft 3.1.29 / MDK 1.7.0)
Public methodValidatePublishing
Called before a multi-user partition(s) are published or unclaimed, can be used to prevent publishing if a non null error is returned. Will be called before the "PartitionPublishing" callback and before the user is asked to save the data. So it is possible to also use this callback to do pre-publishing changes without stopping the process. If the commit is triggered from a non-interactive context, the message box text is thrown as an exception.
See Also