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PartitionInfo Properties

The PartitionInfo type exposes the following members.

Public propertyClaimerGuid
The Guid of the user that has claimed this partition.
Public propertyClaimerName
The articy:draft user account that has claimed this partition. This is not necessarily a user that has used the API.
Public propertyClaimingDate
The timestamp (in UTC time) of claiming described as C# DateTime object.
Public propertyDataFilename
The fully specified filename of the partition file on the local disc (project folder).
Public propertyDisplayName
The display name of the partition
Public propertyGuid
The Guid of the partition this information record belongs to. This Guid is required for partition actions like ClaimPartition(Guid)
Public propertyIsClaimed
true if the partition is claimed by any articy:draft API user account, otherwise false.
Public propertyIsClaimedByMe
true if the partition is claimed by the current articy:draft API user account, otherwise false.
Public propertyMachine
Computer name the partition has been claimed from.
See Also