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ObjectProxy Class

Represents one articy:draft object like it is shown in the articy:draft GUI.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Articy.Api
Assembly:  QueryLayer (in QueryLayer.dll) Version: 1.0.0
public class ObjectProxy : IEquatable<ObjectProxy>

The ObjectProxy type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCanBePartitioned
Returns true if this object is a togglable partition (can be created or retired). Will return false in case of system folders as those are always a partition and cannot be retired.
Public propertyCanHaveAttachments
All articy object types that can receive attachments inside a reference strip return true.
Public propertyCanHaveChildren
true for all object types that can have children as visible in the articy:draft navigator tree, otherwise false
Public propertyHasColor
true if the object has the "Color" property, otherwise false
Public propertyHasDisplayName
true for all articy objects that have a display name, otherwise false
Public propertyHasExternalId
true if the object has the "ExternalId" property, otherwise false
Public propertyHasPreviewImage
true if the tiles view of the articy:draft GUI displays this object with an preview image, otherweise false
Public propertyHasShortId
true if the object has the "ShortId" property, otherwise false
Public propertyHasTechnicalName
true for all articy objects, that have a technical name
Public propertyHasText
true if the object has the "Text" property, otherwise false
Public propertyHoldsPartition
Returns true if the object is used as a partition root.
Public propertyId
the ID of this object
Public propertyIsConnectable
true for all object types that can be displayed (and therefore connected) in the articy:draft flow editor (flow fragments, dialogs, dialogue fragments, jumps and hubs), false for all other types of objects
Public propertyIsCustomizeable
true if this kind of object can have a template assigned, false otherwise
Public propertyIsDisplayNameCalculated
true if the display name is calculated using the values of other properties and therefore is read-only, otherwise false
Public propertyIsFolder
User folders and system folders return true all other articy object types return false.
Public propertyIsReadOnly
Determines if the object can be written.
Public propertyIsSystemFolder
System folders return true all other articy object types return false.
Public propertyIsUserFolder
User folders return true all other articy object types return false.
Public propertyIsValid
true if the object is a valid object with all properties and functionalities, false if it is a so-called 'broken reference'
Public propertyItemInt32
This indexer returns the property with the specified column index.
Public propertyItemString
This indexer returns the property with the specified property/column name.
Public propertyObjectType
This property tells, what type the encapsulated articy object really is.
Public propertyTypeName
An untyped string that describes the object type. See ObjectType for details.
Public methodAddAttachmentToStrip
Adds an attachment to a reference strip of the object.
Public methodAddInputPin
Adds a new input pin the the object, if it is "connectable" and the count did not have reached its limit.
Public methodAddOutputPin
Adds a new output pin the the object, if it is "connectable" and the count did not have reached its limit.
Public methodClearStrip
Removes all attachments from the specified reference strip.
Public methodFindIndex
Returns the column index of an attachment inside a certain reference strip.
Public methodGetAllowedChildrenTypes
Returns a HashSet containing all ObjectTypes that can appear as direct children of the given object
Public methodGetAttachments
Returns a list ob ObjectProxy objects, each representing an attachment as can be seen in the articy:draft reference strip of the respective object.
Public methodGetAvailableProperties
Returns a list of all property names (type string), this object contains.
Public methodGetAvailableProperties(PropertyFilter)
Returns a list of all property names (type string), this object contains.
Public methodGetChildren
Returns a list ob ObjectProxy objects, each representing a child as can be seen in the articy:draft navigator tree.
Public methodGetColor
Returns the object's "Color" property to the specified value.
Public methodGetColumnIndex
Returns the column index of a property with the specified name.
Public methodGetDataType
Returns the data type of the property with the specified name.
Public methodGetDisplayName
Returns the name the object is typically displayed with in the articy:draft GUI (navigator, tiles/list view).
Public methodGetExternalId
Returns the object's property "ExternalId".
Public methodGetFlowPosition
Gets the current position of a flow-item object
Public methodGetFlowSize
Gets the size of a flow flow-item object
Public methodGetInputPin
returns the input pin with the given index
Public methodGetInputPins
Returns a list of ObjectProxy objects, each representing an input pin.
Public methodGetObjectContext
Gets the context is which this object appears
Public methodGetObjectUrl
Gets the Url of the object
Public methodGetOutputPin
returns the output pin with the given index
Public methodGetOutputPins
Returns a list of ObjectProxy objects, each representing an output pin.
Public methodGetParent
Returns an ObjectProxy object representing the direct parent in the object tree as displayed in the articy:draft navigator.
Public methodGetPartitionId
Returns the Guid of the partition, this object belongs to.
Public methodGetPreviewImage
Returns the asset that is set as preview image for this object.
Public methodGetPropertyInfo
Queries for extended property infos.
Public methodGetShortId
Returns the object's property "ShortId".
Public methodGetStripElements
Helper method to request a list of ObjectProxy objects for a property that is a list type.
Public methodGetStripIds
Helper method to request a set of object Ids for a given list property
Public methodGetStripMap
Helper method to request a dictionary of objects keyed by their Id for a given list property
Public methodGetTechnicalName
Returns the technical name of the object.
Public methodGetTemplateId
Returns the template that is set for this object.
Public methodGetTemplateTechnicalName
Returns the technical name of the template that was assigned to this object.
Public methodGetText
Returns the object's property "Text".
Public methodGetText(TextFormat)
Returns the object's property "Text" in the given format (Plain, HTML or BBCode)
Public methodHasProperty
Checks if the object contains a property with the specified name.
Public methodInsertAttachmentIntoStrip
Inserts the specified attachment into the specified reference strip
Public methodIsInContext
Method to check if a given object appears in the given context
Public methodIsInDocumentContext
Checks if the given object resides in a hierarchy under a Document object
Public methodIsInFlowContext
Checks if the given object resides in the flow
Public methodIsInLocationContext
Checks if the given object resides in a hierarchy under a Location object
Public methodIsValidExpressoScript(String)
Checks if the given string is a valid value for the property "Expression" of the object
Public methodIsValidExpressoScript(String, String)
Checks if the given string is a valid value for the named property (either object or feature property name) of the object
Public methodMayAddAttachmentToStrip
Checks if an attachment is allowed to be added to a reference strip of the object.
Public methodMayInsertAttachmentIntoStrip
Checks if the specified attachment is allowed to by inserted into the specified reference strip
Public methodMaySetObjectReference
A helper method to check if a given object can be assigned to the object slot with the given property name
Public methodRemoveAttachmentFromStrip
Removes the specified attachment from the specified reference strip.
Public methodRemoveAttachmentFromStripAtIndex
Removes the specified attachment from the specified reference strip.
Public methodRemoveInputPin
Removes the given input pin of the, if it is "connectable", the index is in range the pin is not the last one.
Public methodRemoveOutputPin
Removes the given output pin of the, if it is "connectable", the index is in range the pin is not the last one.
Public methodRunQuery
Searches the opened project for articy objects. The object on which this query is executed can be referenced by the "self" query keyword
Public methodSetColor
Sets the object's "Color" property to the specified value.
Public methodSetDisplayName
Sets the display name of the object to the specified value.
Public methodSetExternalId
Sets the object's "ExternalId" property to the specified value.
Public methodSetFlowPosition(Point)
Sets the current position of a flow-item object
Public methodSetFlowPosition(Double, Double)
Sets the current position of a flow-item object
Public methodSetFlowSize(Size)
Sets the size of a flow-item object. The given size if coerces to obey min/max size values for an object
Public methodSetFlowSize(Double, Double)
Sets the size of a flow-item object. The given size if coerces to obey min/max size values for an object
Public methodSetPreviewImage
Sets the preview image of this object to the specified value.
Public methodSetShortId
Sets the object's "ShortId" property to the specified value.
Public methodSetTechnicalName
Sets the technical name of the object to the specified value.
Public methodSetTemplate(String, Boolean)
Sets a new template for this object.
Public methodSetTemplate(UInt64, Boolean)
Sets a new template for this object.
Public methodSetText(String)
Sets the value of the property with the name "Text".
Public methodSetText(String, TextFormat)
Sets the property "Text" from a string that has the given TextFormat
Public methodValidateExpressoScript(String)
Checks if the given string is a valid value for the property "Expression" of the object.
Public methodValidateExpressoScript(String, String)
Checks if the given string is a valid value for the named property (either object or feature property name) of the object
This is the most important data class of the articy:draft API. It encapsulates one single articy object regardless of its actual type. All object getting methods of the API return either an instance of this class (or a list of such instances) or an ID. Use the members of this class to learn about what actual type of object is encapsulated or to read or even change the properties of the object.
See Also