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ExportSortedBy Enumeration

Determines the sort criteria for the objects for DOCX & XLSX exports. For XLSX export the sorting is applied after the objects are grouped. So each group is sorted separately.

Namespace:  Articy.Export.Office
Assembly:  PublicApiTypes (in PublicApiTypes.dll) Version: 1.0.0
public enum ExportSortedBy
  Member nameValueDescription
DisplayName0 The objects are sorted by their "DisplayName"
TechnicalName1 The objects are sorted by their "TechnicalName"
ObjectType2 The objects are sorted by their object type
Template3 The objects are sorted by their template name
ProjectPath4 The objects are sorted based on the path in the navigator tree
NavigatorOrder5 Sort the objects by Navigator order, this is mostly by Displayname but different for locations & documents.
See Also