41372 2.5.3 release - added: error log message when trying to import an articy:draft X export file - fixed: download link for articy:draft 3 importer update 41283 2.5.2 release - fixed: issue with AssetDatabase in Unity 2023.1 - changed: .NET version to 4.8.1 - fixed: model label in database panel and object picker was just the technical name if "resolve strings" setting is turned off - fixed: issue reading loca file containing rich text - fixed: loca id cells with only whitespaces got processed as actual loca keys - fixed: import stucks on loca key with invalid pattern - added: warning for duplicated loca ids - changed: Excel parsing exceptions get now logged as Info - changed: Text extension now catches FormatException on String.Format and logs them 40748 2.5.1 release - fixed: localization packages were not generated until next full import after template definition has changed 40732 2.5.0 release - added: delegate to get and modify result of parsed xlsx localization files during import (ArticyEditorUtility.locaFileParsed) - changed: removed warning on missing loca package (since the creation of the package can be suppressed via locaFileParsed) - added: delegate to localization system for custom text lookup during runtime (ArticyLocalizationManager.CustomTextLookup) - changed: made content of loaded localization packages public via ArticyLocalizationManager.LocalizedStrings. Can be used together with new CustomTextLookup - added: ArticyLocaCaretaker now detects TextMesh Pro automatically - added: selection of custom global variables to articy panel - added: search bar to global variables inspector - added: ArticyFlowPlayer.GetBranchesOfNode, which returns the branches of a node without triggering any callbacks - added: made the fields overwriteMethodProvider and overwrittenMethodProvider of ArticyFlowPlayer private for C# access and added the property MethodProvider instead - changed: added ArticyLocalizationManager.languageChanged and made OnLanguageChanged obsolete - changed: removed UpdateHierarchyInOptimizedPath setting - changed: improved ensuring assembly definition files - changed: removed retina dpi setting - fixed: dpi issues with database panel - fixed: general loca file not imported on quick import - fixed: error in console on parsing loca .xlsx when the value of a LocaId was undefined - fixed: Loca caretaker exception on empty targetComponent - fixed: failed import when assembly definitions are enabled but generated folder is missing - fixed: exceptions in ArticyTypeSystem on first import after assembly definition setting has been changed - fixed: HierarchyManager - fixed: add two ScriptDataProxy together resulted in an object of type "object" instead of ScriptDataProxy - fixed: IsCalledInForecast did not reset after calculating branches 40487 2.4.0 release - added: background filtering for object picker and database window. If a search takes too much processing time, it will be split over multiple editor update cycles. - added: warning when using getProp or setProp with non-existent properties - added: new scripting methods in preparation for an upcoming articy:draft 3 patch - changed: localization package assets are now regenerated during an optimized import only if the corresponding Excel file has been changed - changed: replaced the Excel reader, which doubles the processing speed - changed: object picker now auto focuses the search field - changed: limited number of objects in object picker - fixed: optimized import failed in Unity 2022.1 - fixed: when accessing the same articy object via getProp or setProp in different forecasts with the same shadow level, the same object clone was used - fixed: when stopping on instructions, the instruction was executed twice in shadow state, which can lead to wrong branches but correct variable and database values - fixed: case where input pins that evaluated to false leaded to valid branches when stopping on pins - fixed: when starting the flow on an instruction multiple times with the same flow player instance, the instruction was executed only on the first start - fixed: potential issue when serializing the whole flow player component. - fixed: other global variables assets than the default one were not properly updated after the global variables definition changed - fixed: code for database reset on disabled domain reload was partially active in standalone builds. Caused that the database was loaded very early, which is suspected to cause issues with the Unity's AssetDatabase - fixed: URL to plugin download page in update notification 39314 2.3.3 release - changed: made flow player fields private that should set only via the Unity inspector or C# properties - changed: FinishCurrentPausedObject can now traverse through non-script nodes. Use TraverseThroughNonScriptNodes flag to enable this behaviour. - fixed: FinishCurrentPausedObject did not take jumps into account - fixed: when starting the flow on an instruction it was not executed - fixed: when the StartOn-node is not a PauseOn-node and directly after the node branching starts with only one valid option and IgnoreInvalidBranches enabled, the first branch was always selected even when it is invalid - fixed: when branching the current branch while calculating branches the information about whether the the origin branch is valid gets lost - fixed: command line switches now suppress automatic import via AssetPostprocessor (which was triggered every time when opening the project without Library folder) - changed: flow player "attach to articy:draft" button is now visible during edit time too - changed: various optimazations to reduce the amount of read and write operations on assets - fixed: redundant recalculation of branches when using ArticyFlowPlayer.PlayRandom() or ArticyFlowPlayer.Play() without parameters - fixed: timing issue when when changing global variables on flow player during Awake() - fixed: exception on nested global variables delegate invokes - fixed: missing "f" suffix for floating point numbers in generated code of script fragments - fixed: when using an ArticyObject in multiple packages, ArticyObject.Children was set only for the object in the first found package - fixed: path of import and localization file was not updated in AssetPostprocessor when automatically import is not activated - fixed: plugin settings resets when opening the project without Library folder. - fixed: ArticyLocalizationManager logged a warning in standalone builds about missing language file when localization is turned off - fixed: after removing the last custom method from the articy project the method provider warning was still shown until a domain reload - modified: code documentation 38877 2.3.2 release - fixed: importer exception when using location objects in articy:draft 3.1.31 or higher. As articy:draft 3.1.31 introduced the property "Matrix" for location objects, it is highly recommended to update articy:draft on all machines 38638 2.3.1 release - fixed: dependency issue with Ionic.Zip.dll in other Unity packages - changed: increased recursion threshold for the flow player infinite loop detection 38018 2.3.0 release - changed: ArticyScriptFragments uses now consecutively numbered IDs instead of hashes to identify scripts. This change requires a reimport. - changed: the importer makes now use of AssetDatabase.StartAssetEditing and AssetDatabase.StopAssetEditing during the import. This optimization improves import times and also fixes flickering progress bars in Unity 2020. - added: GlobalVariables property to ArticyFlowPlayer to be able to change the global variables via code - added: ArticyGlobalVariables.CreateGlobalVariablesClone, which returns a new global variables instance without creating an asset for it - fixed: clashes with other Json.NET DLLs - fixed: importer generates not compilable code when the articy:draft project contains no features but templates - fixed: ArticyDatababse.GetObject call with invalid technical names that contain exactly one underscore - fixed: ArticyRef drawer left UnityEngine.GUI.enabled with a wrong value in play mode - fixed: wrong ArticyRef property drawer height in Unity 2020 - modified: message that gets shown after the plugin has been updated 37574 2.2.0 release - added: command line switches "-articyImport", "-articyQuit", "-articyPostImportMethod" and "articyHideProgressBars" to ease usage on build servers. See "Build Server Integration" guide in the online plugin help for more information. - added: public method to start an import (ArticyEditorUtility.ImportArticyExport) - changed: importer callbacks (ArticyEditorUtility.importStateChanged) - changed: made some methods in ArticyEditorUtility internal (GetFieldWithPrivateBaseMembers, StoreInInts, ULongFromInts, AssetCaretakerSetResource) - changed: moved some properties of the ArticyPluginSettings into a new settings type called ArticyEditorSettings, which can be ignored by source control - changed: moved ArticyRuntimeSettings asset from Assets\ArticyImporter\Content\Generated\Resources to Assets\ArticyImporter\Content\Resources - changed: re-enabled update notification - changed: after changing the "resolve strings" setting the last import gets now invalidated and a message box gets shown - fixed: some issues when importing shortly after the engine started - fixed: default global variables inspector in Unity 2020.x - fixed: exception when flow player custom inspector gets drawn in a project without a database 36617 2.1.1 release - added: basic support for "disable domain reload" feature (Unity 2019.3+) - fixed: issue when upgrading the folder structure introduced with plugin version 2.1 in an existing project that uses AssetDatabase v2 - fixed: using dots in string parameters of text extension custom methods - fixed: stop on nodes that are input pin owners got executed twice - updated: ArticyRef PropertyDrawer to new editor style (Unity 2019.3+) - changed: disabled update notifications 36419 2.1.0 release ** Important ** This version requires articy:draft version 3.1.26 or higher to work. - changed: moved the folder “Assets/ArticyContent” to “Assets/ArticyImporter/Content”. The plugin will upgrade existing projects to the new folder structure automatically. - changed: moved the Articy menu bar entries under "Tools" - changed: divided debug flow player files into subfolders called "Prefabs" and "Scripts" - changed: hubs and jumps are no longer default pauseOn nodes - updated: Json.NET version - updated: Ionic.Zip version - added: flow player branch sorting, which can be customized via ArticyFlowPlayer.BranchSorting - added: some missing help URLs - fixed: short delay after recompile - fixed: exception in UnityEditor when opening ArticyPluginSettings via ArticyRuntimeSettings custom inspector in Unity versions <= 2017.4 - fixed: creating ArticyRuntimeSettings when Assets/ArticyContent/Generated/Resources does not exist - fixed: ArticyRuntimeSettings and ArticyGenerated.Editor.asmdef got deleted when clearing generated files - fixed: compile errors after clearing generated files when using CallScript with method provider as param - fixed: deleting .meta files when clearing generated files - fixed: setting ArticyFlowPlayer.StartOn to null - changed: changes for Nevigo -> Articy rebranding - removed: dependencies to UnityEngine.UI 35120 2.0.4 release - fixed: crash on import in Unity 2019.1 34886 2.0.3 release - added: support for Assembly Definitions (see plugin settings) - added: ArticyText.SetTextFromProperty (same as ArticyText.FromProperty, now as instance method) - fixed: Self works now in templates - fixed: add operator if both sides are getProp - fixed: use default global variables in flow player when "Use default global variables" setting is false and no alternative variables are assigned - fixed: instantiating flow player via GameObject.AddComponent() - fixed: deletion of articy runtime settings when clearing generated files 34650 2.0.2 release - changed: TextExtension: texts with invalid tokens are printed as is. The old behaviour (resolving invalid tokens as empty string) can be enabled in the plugin settings. - fixed: TextExtension: overwritten localized string properties on ArticyObjects now get resolved. - fixed: setting ArticyObjects via setProp now works properly. 34488 2.0.1 release - added: TextExtension built-in methods "if" and "not". See documentation for more details. - fixed: building game with Unity Cloud Build. To make it work it is required to commit all generated files and call Articy.Unity.Editor.CloudBuild.PrepareForCloudBuild as a pre-export method. - fixed: clearing global variable listeners when enter/exit play mode - fixed: RemoveAllListeners in ObjectNotifications didn't removed references to methods that belongs to destroyed objects - fixed: ArticyTextExtension used a locakey we didn't intended for localizing a Boolean value from a property token with nested articy objects (e.g. id.feature.refStrip<42>.feature.boolProp) - fixed: type of conditions/instructions not properly set on ArticyProperyInfos - fixed: invalid cast exception when using ArticyObject as type param for generic method ArticyPropertyInfo.GetValue - fixed: access result or raw string of conditions/instructions in TextExtension - fixed: custom method arguments parsing in TextExtension for string args which contained commas - fixed: operators < and <= in articy scripts 34412 2.0.0 release ** Important ** Certain new features require articy:draft version 3.1.17. to work. Marked by (3.1.17) at the end of the entry. - added: ArticyTextExtension, including the type ArticyText and the component ArticyTextComponent (see https://www.nevigo.com/articy-importer/unity/html/howto_textextension.htm for more information). - added: articy type system (see https://www.nevigo.com/articy-importer/unity/html/howto_typesystem.htm for more information). - added: object notifications. Get notified on property changes from ArticyObjects. - added: display names for enums (3.1.17). - added: localization for enum, template, feature and property display names (3.1.17). - added: ArticyLocalizationManager.TryLocalize() to test if a localization is possible, without error. - added: IMethodProvider can now be implemented on another game object. - added: getting ArticyObject from database via model string representation. - changed: dropped Unity 5.x support. - changed: moved utility classes from namespace Articy.Unity to Articy.Unity.Utils. - changed: ArticyLocalizationManager.LanguageChanged is now obsolete use the new UnityEvent OnLanguageChanged instead. - changed: ArticyFlowPlayer.FinishCurrentPausedObject() supports now multiple objects. - changed: plugin related logging can now be configured in the settings. - fixed: gizmo icons for Unity 2018. - fixed: storing an object from getObj() or "speaker"/"self" into a string global variable. - fixed: getting model string representation from a slot via getProp(). - fixed: CloneProperties() for objects without any cloneable properties. - fixed: listeners for language change got reset when changing language in editor play mode via the artic window. - fixed: fixed memory leak in global variables notifications. - fixed: exception when registered/unregistered from ArticyNotificationManager listener inside a callback method. - fixed: importer tried to parse localization files that were saved in an older excel format. - fixed: ScriptMethods did not worked with "speaker" or "self" as parameters. - fixed: problems with origin pin in flow player. 34156 1.1.7 service release - fixed: crash on import in Unity 2018.2 - fixed: ArticyFlowPlayer loop on condition when PauseOn conditions and UseOldInputPinResolving is false 33866 1.1.7 release - fixed: crash on import in Unity 2018.2 - fixed: BinaryFormatter can now properly serialize the PreviewImage object. - fixed: ArticyFlowPlayer no longer gets stuck in a loop jumping between input pin and node, when Pins are set as a Pause target and UseOldInputPinResolving is false. - fixed: ArticyFlowPlayer will now show the node instead of submerging directly into it, when Pins are set as a Pause target. - added: random() method in script fragments 32795 1.1.6 release - fixed: When the flow player paused on a node with multiple input pins (and children) the OnAvailableBranches reported all input pins instead of the one that lead to the current pause. This behaviour is the correct one but could potentially break your existing logic, if that is the case the flowplayer has a setting called "UseOldInputPinResolving" that reverts that fix. - added: Lock files are created while the plugin is importing. Useful for build servers. Filenames are "ArticyImportRunning" and "ArticyImportFailed" - added: new warning when scripts are called without supplying a Method provider. (Only if you actually use methods) - added: ArticyDatabase.DefaultMethodProvider, which will be used as a fallback when calling scripts without passing a method provider. - added: Option to disable the automatically import on import file and localization file changes in the plugin settings. - fixed: Full import after the plugin was updated. - fixed: Localization files can now contain a minus symbol as part of their loca id. like in "en-GB" - added: ArticyAssetCaretaker possibility to take care of raw image and audio source components. - modified: ArticyAssetCaretaker does no longer create new sprites from textures for image components. Instead use the texture type or use the raw image component. - fixed: Menu option "Trigger all asset caretakers" affects now prefabs too. - modified: ArticyAssetCaretaker does now a forced repair asset when the asset reference has changed. - fixed: ArticyAssetCaretaker issues with prefabs. - fixed: ArticyAssetCaretaker visible in the inspector caused a high CPU workload. - fixed: Scripting crash when comparing boolean return values. - fixed: Scripting incorrect inequality operator. - fixed: Scripting should now correctly compare null values. - fixed: Scripting strings can now be compared using ==, !=, >, <, >=, <= - fixed: Scripting equality for ArticyObjects, comparing two Slot values for example (also includes instance id). - fixed: errors when building for UWP. - fixed: unecessary prompts when deleting unreferenced assets in packages. - fixed: exception when using GetVariableByString() with an unknown variable. - fixed: inconsistent line endings in generated ArticyScriptFragments.cs on Mac. - fixed: ArticyFlowPlayer "Speaker" was not set for input pins when taking a branch. - fixed: components in inspector broke when using the articy object picker during a Unity recompile. - fixed: Multiselection with multiple ArticyRef only displayed the last selected. Now it will display as inconclusive - fixed: unsuccessful build reminder in database panel didn't show after restarting Unity. - fixed: After calling AssetDatabase.ClearDatabase() the default packages were not loaded. - fixed: Issues with localization excel files that where not generated by articy or common spreadsheet programs. - modified: Disabled automatic reparing the old Generated/ folder, because of issues with another Unity plugin. - fixed: Lost references to ArticyScriptFragments - fixed: Unity error during entering the play mode when a component with an ArticyRef variable was visible in the inspector - fixed: localization packages were not deleted before optimized import, which caused unnecessary loca packages until next full import when renaming/deleting loca excel files. 32416 1.1.5 release ** Important ** Certain new features require articy:draft version 3.1.8. to work. Marked by (3.1.8) at the end of the entry. - added: faster optimized import when data or scripts are changed. A regular or full import is triggered when changing template or features. (3.1.8) - modified: The articyu3d can now be exported in any folder not only the Asset/ folder. (3.1.8) - modified: The plugin settings can now be moved to any folder and are by default created inside ArticyContent/. - modified: localization excel files can also be placed in any folder. The only requirement here is that all localization excel files share the same folder. (3.1.8) - modified: Plugin is now using Json.NET 10.0.3. - added: Button to jump to the settings asset. - fixed: Using templates for Instructions and Conditions produced a warning about incorrectly generated Evaluate methods. - fixed: Timing issues with package loading when going into play mode. - fixed: Default package was always reloaded even when unloading it. - fixed: "Auto load package at start" was not properly saved. - fixed: Certain comments in articy script could lead to incorrectly generated code in unity. - fixed: Package names now gracefully handle special characters. - fixed: Unecessary warning for global variable sets with no variables. - fixed: Null reference exceptions in regards to the database view. 32132 1.1.4 release - fixed: unity crash on certain imports - fixed: crash on 2017 with empty databases - fixed: argumentexception on importstorage cause every other import to fail on certain projects - modified: localization settings are hidden when exported with no localization. - modified: proper support for articy:drafts different ways to change the exported language 31872 1.1.2 release - fixed: objects inside reference strips were not loaded if they are part of another package, that was loaded some time later prior accessing. - fixed: the ArticyTypeConstraint attribute did not work on private fields in inherited classes. - fixed: language code was not properly saved when changed via database view. - fixed: global variables where already reset inside ApplicationQuit. Now they retain their value until fully quit. - added: experimental workaround for the retina issues on certain macs. (Found on the ArticyPluginSettings asset inside Assets/). - added: database view now has a button to show the content of the default global variables, stored in the db. 31744 1.1.1 release ** Important ** Please carefully evaluate the below mentioned changes to LoadPackage/UnloadPackage and the effects that it could have on your project. This could affect you when you are using multiple packages where some contain the same object and/Or expect UnloadPackage to remove all objects. - modified: LoadPackage(even if you don't use it, it is used internally) objects are now only loaded once even if multiple packages contain them. No more multiple entries of the same object (Has nothing to do with cloning) - modified: UnloadPackage has a new parameter to greedy unload the package or(the new default) only unload objects that are not in any other still loaded package. - fixed: issues with loading localization, especially with the general localization file when starting the game - fixed: issues with localization excel sheets, when the filename contained a '-'. - fixed: larger projects could cause a false positive "Please fix any errors" dialog boxes. - fixed: Under certain circumstances the script fragments could not be assigned to the database after the import, causing a broken database. - fixed: editor ui caused the language to switch constantly, draining performance. - fixed: performance issue creating the internal database, uncessarily refreshing itself. - fixed: performance issues with the object list in the database view. Should now create and scroll much faster. - fixed: performance increase for object list filter in the database view. - fixed: ArticyDebugFlowPlayer wrong check for component. - modified: package list is now scrollable - modified: object list in database view can now be collapsed. - added: an option to check for new updates of the plugin, you can trigger this manually via the menu bar "Articy/Check for updates" or it is checked once per startup and can be viewed in the lower left corner of the database view. 31676 - fixed: progressbar flickered during import - fixed: unecessary asset loading while repairing global variables, slight performance increase - fixed: the automatic generated folder ignore for git, will now use the proper path - fixed: the source control message box, asking to place the generated folder on ignore is now only asking once 31608 1.1 release ** needs at least articy:draft ** ** Important ** If you use a source control system that works with locking files, like perforce for example, you need to make sure that all files in the Generated/ folder are accessible and that the plugin can create a folder in the Asset/ root folder *before* installing the plugin. ** Known Issues ** It still can happen that after importing the progress bar seems to hang at about 50%-75%. This seems to be an issues with Unitys script compiling flags and is still under investigation by us. If this happens to you, just reopening your project and reimporting again via the menu bar should fix that issue. Hint: Even if the progressbar is a modal dialog and you can't use unity at this time, the menu bar is still accessible, click File -> Open Project and select your project again is a quick way to reopen it. - improvement: The Generated/ folder is split into actual generated content and user assets. Both are placed into the new ArticyContent/ folder and this allows you to place the Assets/ArticyContent/Generated/ folder safely on the ignore list of your source control system. - improvement: With the new Generated/ folder, the plugin will ask if the user wants to put the Generated folder on the ignore list for him. Only works with collab and git at this time. - improvement: the plugin will automatically relocate your existing Generated/ folder into the new structure. Please read the Important above! - fixed: in a completely new project the plugin won't spam the log anymore. - fixed: issues with the isPlaying flag in editor code when transitioning from editor to play mode - fixed: loading/unloading packages did not properly recreate the internal database - fixed: when a single object was in multiple packages, it caused problems loading both of these. - fixed: ArticyRef.GetObject made an unnecessary check that could fail to return an object sometimes. - modified: import process handles the newer JSON import format 31385 - improved: ArticyDebugBranch caption is a bit more meaningfull. - fixed: GlobalVariables editor was not working on copies in play mode. - fixed: GlobalVariables editor, foldouts work now - improved: small performance adjustments for flow player - fixed: optional parameters on generated pins, conditions and instructions methods - fixed: script converting had problems with comments - fixed: HierarchyManager is now properly stored. - fixed: isPlaying was used when it still was false, creating problems with creating the runtime database. - fixed: added workaround to re-set the global variables reference when its lost, to whatever unknown reasons - fixed: packages lost their path information, making it impossible to unload packages at runtime 31018 - improved: settings are now correctly stored inside a new settings asset instead of the EditorPrefs - added: children can now be sorted with ArticyObject.GetSortedChildren - fixed: folder where missing the zindex property - added: object property interfaces for localizable properties with the naming IObjectWithLocalizableXYZ - added: the flow player has a method that executes the output pin of an object, useful when it is the last object shown and the output pins still contain important code (ArticyFlowPlayer.FinishCurrentPausedObject()); - modified: ArticyLocaCaretakers order of custom assignment methods - modified: ArticyDatabase.GetAllOfType has no more generic constraint, now correctly allows interface types eg. ArticyDatabase.GetAllOfType() - added: ArticyLocaCaretakers property for the loca key to automatically update the text (not possible by using the field) - added: missing object property interface for property Target (IObjectWithTarget) for jumps and links - modified: object picker will now sort by display name when a filter is used 30941 - added: Plugin Version label in the database panel, in the lower left corner. - modified: some first user experiences improvements: e.g. telling the user that he needs to export from articy:draft before he can use plugin - modified: cleanup of menu items; added help menu entry; moved some less used options into sub menues - modified: global variables can now be created via unitys Create Asset menu - modified: ArticyLocaCaretaker can now work with an configurable localization target, instead of hardcoded UnityEngine.UI.Text - modified: database panel list: instead of showing empty dialogue fragments as ': ""' or '""' the technical name will be used as the final fallback. - fixed(hopefully): ArticyDebugFlowPlayer prefab was still referencing the wrong ArticyFlowPlayer, resulting in an "Missing script" - fixed: error message at startup - fixed: temporary storage cleared, could cause issues when reimporting, after a failed import - fixed: argument exception when reimporting and the database view was visible 30861 - fixed: issues with new unity version 5.5 - fixed: old packages will now be removed before creating new ones. - fixed: database view polishing, better preview text for certain models, bigger icons, newline issues etc. - added: tooltips on template properties will be placed as code comments on the generated properties. - fixed: disabling script support in articy was broken in unity once imported - added: filtering in database view will now take the Text property into account. 30801 ** needs at least articy draft ** - fixed: failed to load database in a completely new unity project, effectively breaking the plugin. - added: automatic copying of gizmo icons - fixed: exceptions in parts of the ui when the database was not yet loaded, instead affected UI will now show a warning box explaining what to do - fixed: object picker tiles tried using the asset view mode even when the asset could not be loaded. 30768 ** needs at least articy draft ** - added: When using templates, the plugin will create IObjectWithFeatureXYZ for every feature and automatically implements those on classes using templates with those features. Making it easier to write code that works only with features, independent on the object type. - fixed: ArticyRef in arrays and lists was broken. Now works fully with support for ArticyRefComplex and ArticyTypeConstraint. - added: when the import file was changed, while unity is in play mode, the import will be delayed and starts once the user left play mode. 30730 ** needs at least articy draft ** - fixed: BaseGlobalVariables.SetVariableByString now handles string variables - added: BaseGlobalVariables.SetVariableByString now converts the value if the target global variable type is different - added: every localizable property has a new property next to it containing its unlocalized loca key. The naming convention is "LocaKey_". For example: obj.DisplayName returns the localized name, obj.LocaKey_DisplayName returns the key for the localization table. - added: BaseGlobalVariables.GetVariableByString method, with built in conversion to a supplied type - added: BaseGlobalVariables.IsVariableOfTypeXY() method to check what type a global variable has - fixed: instructions had the wrong icon - added: proper support for calculated displaynames - added: dialog fragments in the object picker or object field, will now show a preview of their content, instead of their technical name - added: pressing the ALT key in the object picker will show the technical name of the objects instead of their displayname/preview text. - fixed: ArticyFlowPlayer.startOn in the ui, was to restrictive. The object picker will now show all flow object types, not only Dialogue and FlowFragment 30716 - fixed: missing "incomplete build" warning in editor (Show Database) dialog. - fixed: every first play after an import produced an invalid database state only fixed by stopping and starting play mode again. - fixed: after clearing the database, the editor still contained old and corrupted data. - fixed: plugin ui disappeared after clearing and reopening the unity project 30713 - fixed: loca keys weren't correctly written for template properties - fixed: crash when using (getProp(...) + "Hallo") and getProp() tried to access on an unknown property or template property. 30709 - fixed: an annoying but harmless NullRefException inside OnCompileScripts() - fixed: the ~$ excel file (excel temp file) won't trigger a reimport anymore - fixed: missing support for template string properties 30704 * Our build server created the unitypackage without pinning the meta ids for the plugin dlls. This means that every time you used a new plugin and updated your existing project, the ids where different, and all used components or prefab from the plugin could not be matched and where marked as "missing script". From this version forward the id should be fixed, so this *should* be the last version where this happened after updating. * - fixed: the infinite loop detection was only working for half the cases and is now improved to handle all cases with a log output showing which pathes are responsible for the loop - fixed: scripts like "getProp() + "Test" where getProp() returned null, threw an exception. Fixed now, by returning always the expected default value (in the example "") - fixed: Changing the import file with unity closed, and then opening the unity project triggered the importer plugin, but then failed because of a race condition with trying to access the import menu entry, which wasn't there yet. This is fixed and it should always directly trigger the import process. - fixed: incorrect build server setup caused unity meta file recreation every time a new build was made. now always the same meta files are used 30690 * From now on, we use the revision number (30690) instead of build numbers (previously 68) * ** Needs at least articy draft ** - fixed: renaming of templates, features etc. in articy and reimporting in unity kept the old generated files in unity. This could leave the generated classes in an uncompilable state. This is automatically fixed now by checking a hash generated out of the datalayout against the previously imported one. ** IMPORTANT ** it might be necessary to do a Clear/Import again, to fix your current generated classes due to them not having a hash generated yet. - modified: the CallScript() method for conditions in template properties, used System.Nullable (bool?) as a return value, making it necessary to check against null before using the actual value. Now the method simply returns bool as there is no internal need anymore for having a nullable. - addded: the ArticyDatabase now contains ways to GetObjects(string) using a technical name and be actually able to retrieve all objects with that name. Also GetObjects() has an overload taking the instance id into account. - added: for quick prototyping and debugging, the Branch contains a new property "DefaultDescription" describing the target element. 68 - fixed: crash with skipped instructions and object properties trying to access objects. - added: AssetRefPath is now exposed and can be used to load the assets from articy assets manually. - fixed: crash when trying to ArticyDatabase.GetObject(string) was not found. - modified: print() method in scripts will now write objects, similar to how articy prints. - fixed: setting a flow player StartOn inside a Start() method could potentially collide with the own FlowPlayers Start() method. Fixed by always delaying the actual setting of the start node in the first update call. - modified: removed some debug log entries in unity. - **IMPORTANT** modified: completely changed handling of import file. Now the import file (*.articyu3d) can be rediscovered after renaming and working with 2 different unity projects both using the plugin should not overwrite the last used import file anymore. It might be necessary to trigger a new export in articy to fully use this new system. 61 - fixed: Generated script fragment file, could cause reimport(and recompile) problems when fixing code issues related to it. - fixed: unecessary creation of Generated 1, Generated 2 etc. folders - improved: awaiting script recompile, should be much more reliable now and recompile hiccups should be less frequent - fixed: exception when the database editor window is open and the database is about to be rebuild