Voice Over Plugin Error

Wed 3. Jul 2019, 06:18

I followed this (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnXFWh1 ... e=youtu.be) guide with a new project and got this (https://imgur.com/2P3SmaV) error when i tried to create vo files. How do i fix this? This (https://imgur.com/LsHPddx) is the configuration. If tried several different things but it just doesn't work. I'm using steam edition V3.1.21

this is the log

2019-07-03 00:10:48 P-00000029 [I]: Writing empty sample for DialogueFragment iHateYou Neal Baker: "oh no it worked"
2019-07-03 00:10:48 P-00000029 [I]: Voice-over files finished. Found 3 objects; Created/updated 1 files; Updated object names 0; unchanged 0
2019-07-03 00:10:48 P-00000029 [I]: Importing new asset "Diag_1_neal_Baker_0000"
2019-07-03 00:10:48 P-00000029 [W]: Property "VO.VO" not found on source object "iHateYou"
2019-07-03 00:10:48 P-00000029 [I]: Import voice-over assets finished. Updated 0 existing assets; Imported 1 new assets.
2019-07-03 00:10:48 D-MainThre [E]: Unhandled exception in UI-Dispatcher (Filter)


Username: redacted
MachineName: redacted
OS: redacted
Time: redacted
Debug-Build: False
64-Bit build: True
64-Bit system: True
ThreadName: D-MainThre



Articy.Api.ArticyApiException: Facility: 0x0000
Error#: 0x003A
ErrorName: AssetFileNotFound
Exception of type 'Articy.Api.ArticyApiException' was thrown.
at Articy.Api.ApiSession.ImportAsset(ObjectProxy aParent, String aDisplayName, String aAssetFullFilename, String aTemplateTechName)
at Articy.VoiceOverHelper.PluginSteps.ImportGeneratedAssetStep.<>c__DisplayClass8.<ImportAssets>b__1()
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)

Source: ArticyApp

2019-07-03 00:10:48 D-MainThre [E]: Unhandled exception in UI-Dispatcher


Username: redacted
MachineName: redacted
OS: redacted
Time: redacted
Debug-Build: False
64-Bit build: True
64-Bit system: True
ThreadName: D-MainThre



Articy.Api.ArticyApiException: Facility: 0x0000
Error#: 0x003A
ErrorName: AssetFileNotFound
Exception of type 'Articy.Api.ArticyApiException' was thrown.
at Articy.Api.ApiSession.ImportAsset(ObjectProxy aParent, String aDisplayName, String aAssetFullFilename, String aTemplateTechName)
at Articy.VoiceOverHelper.PluginSteps.ImportGeneratedAssetStep.<>c__DisplayClass8.<ImportAssets>b__1()
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)

Source: ArticyApp
Posts: 1
Joined: Wed 3. Jul 2019, 05:40

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