articy:server internal SVN advanced configuration
Posted: Wed 14. Jan 2015, 15:56
Advanced configuration parameters can be set in the ArticyServer.cfg file in the server directory, one switch per line. Changing configuration here requires a server restart.
The SVN server reports its repository URL based on the machine name of the articy:server and its windows domain. This is OK for purely local installation but if you want to expose it to public (without VPN) you need a domain name that can be resolved from everywhere. To archive this add
e.g. and ensure that this name is externally resolved to the incoming router IP (and add a port forward, and firewall rule) and internally resolved to the IP of the server.
If you want to change the default port (normally the port of the articy:server plus 1 ==> 16708 ) add
To use another port. (3690 is the default SVN port for the svn:// protocol)
The repository is placed in the folder "Repository" inside the "DB" directory where the articy:server database is located. If you like to move the repository to another disk (e.g. "D:\Repository"), override the default path generation by adding
articy:server comes with a 32 Bit SVN 1.7 server placed in the "svn" directory. You can override the usage of this server by adding
articy:server will check for a version 1.6 or 1.7 server (we will allow a 1.8 server with the 2.4 release)
for troubleshooting you may enable SVN server logging by adding -svnserverlog to the configuration
If you already have a repository and want articy:server to update the user records & passwords or like to add own SVN users you need to modify the files authz and passwd in the conf directory of the repository. The regions that are changed by articy:server are marked with
for further info take a look at those files in the repository that was created from the installer.
It is recommended to change the password of the "ServerAdmin" user in the authz file or entirely remove this user. It is for administration convenience only
The SVN server reports its repository URL based on the machine name of the articy:server and its windows domain. This is OK for purely local installation but if you want to expose it to public (without VPN) you need a domain name that can be resolved from everywhere. To archive this add
- Code: Select all
-svn.machinename <full qualified DNS name or IP>
e.g. and ensure that this name is externally resolved to the incoming router IP (and add a port forward, and firewall rule) and internally resolved to the IP of the server.
If you want to change the default port (normally the port of the articy:server plus 1 ==> 16708 ) add
- Code: Select all
-svnport 3690
To use another port. (3690 is the default SVN port for the svn:// protocol)
The repository is placed in the folder "Repository" inside the "DB" directory where the articy:server database is located. If you like to move the repository to another disk (e.g. "D:\Repository"), override the default path generation by adding
- Code: Select all
-svnpath <full qualified path to the new repository directory>
articy:server comes with a 32 Bit SVN 1.7 server placed in the "svn" directory. You can override the usage of this server by adding
- Code: Select all
-svnbin <full qualified path to SVN bin directory>
articy:server will check for a version 1.6 or 1.7 server (we will allow a 1.8 server with the 2.4 release)
for troubleshooting you may enable SVN server logging by adding -svnserverlog to the configuration
If you already have a repository and want articy:server to update the user records & passwords or like to add own SVN users you need to modify the files authz and passwd in the conf directory of the repository. The regions that are changed by articy:server are marked with
- Code: Select all
# NEVIGO: Start of articy:server managed users
# NEVIGO: End of articy:server managed users
for further info take a look at those files in the repository that was created from the installer.
It is recommended to change the password of the "ServerAdmin" user in the authz file or entirely remove this user. It is for administration convenience only