Styling options

Most location objects offer a lot of options to customize their appearance. These options can be found within the selection toolbar.

Fill & Outline

Within these two toolbar groups you can define the object's fill color 1 and fill opacity 2 as well as the object's outline color 3, outline opacity 4, outline size 5 and outline stroke 6.

Display name

You can choose whether the object's name shall be displayed at all 7 and if yes in which color 8, size 9 and with or without a drop shadow 10.

Changing the default settings

You can change the default look of newly created objects within the project settings 11 in the location tab 12 and within the settings-tab of the location's property sheet 13. The settings within a location are by default inherited from the project settings.

You can change the defaults for all kinds of styling options including the style and size of spots and links.