Presentation settings

Project settings: "Journey"

Settings are hierarchical

There are three levels on which you can set parameter values:

  • Project settings: Set project-wide default values
  • Journey settings: Set parameter values for all slides of the presentation that inherit the journey's values
  • Journey point / slide settings: Override journey values for specific slides if desired

Generally, a slide (journey point) derives all default values from the presentation (journey), which again derives all default values from the project settings.

Project settings: Setting default values

To set project-wide default parameters for presentations, please go to the settings folder 1 in the navigator and switch to the journeys tab 2. On this tab you can specify values which will be used by all presentations in the project, given that they do not override this setting.

3 Setting: "Apply a gradient to the background color"

Each object in articy:draft can have a color. For example, in the flow editor or tiles views, you can click on flow fragments (and other story objects) and assign a color. A node's background color will become the slide background by default. Here you can specify whether you want to have a gradient or not. If gradients are switched off, articy:draft uses simple color fills as backgrounds.

4 Setting: "Background image"

You can set this parameter to the following values:
  • Choose default background image: The background image will be used for all slides (e.g. your corporate design background with logo), given that they do not override this parameter in their settings or in the journey settings.
  • Use preview image of node: A node's preview image will automatically become the slide background, given that this is not overriden in the slide's settings or the journey settings.

Just like you can assign a color to each object, you can also assign a so-called preview image to all objects. You can do that by either dragging an image asset onto an object's tile in the tile view, or you can open an opject's property sheet and assign the preview image. Go to a story node's property sheet 8 and set a preview image there 9, either by dragging&dropping an art asset onto the field or by right-clicking it and selecting "Choose target...". Once you've done that, the newly assigned preview image will become the slide's background image 10 when you're viewing this story fragment in the presentation.

5 Setting: "Arrangement of background image"

This specifies how the background image shall be layouted:
  • Fit
  • Fill (recommended)
  • Stretch
  • Tile
  • Center

6 Setting: "Fade between journey points"

If this is set to "yes", there will be a smooth cross-fade between slides.

7 Setting: "Speed of auto-play"

Recorded presentations can be played back in "auto-play" mode, which means stepping through the slides automatically without any user interaction. Use this parameter to specify the number of seconds you want each slide to be displayed.

Journey settings: Customizing the presentation

Journeys (=presentations) have the same set of parameters as the defaults in the project settings described above. New journeys by default use all project-wide default values, but you can go to a journey's property page to adjust them. Changing values here will not reflect back to the project's default settings.

To access a journey's settings, just click on it in the navigator 11. It will automatically open up in the property sheet view. There you should be able to locate the journey settings 12.

Journey point settings: Customizing the slide

Journey points (=slides) have the same set of parameters as journeys and the defaults in the project settings, both described above. New journey points by default use all default values from the journey, but you can go to a journey point's property page to adjust them. Changing values here will not reflect back to the journey's default settings.

To access a slide's settings, switch to the property sheet view 13 while you're looking at the slide you want to change.