
The "Search" tab

Click on the Search tab 1 of the navigator. The normal project tree is replaced by the search criteria form 2 and the result list 3.

When opening the search tab for the first time after opening the project, the result list is empty. Search results are temporary and will not be saved along with the rest of the project.

Specify your search criteria. The screenshot above shows:

    Search the entire project in all languages and find objects where any field contains the text "Manfred". Ignore casing.

Now press the Search button and all found elements matching your search criteria will be displayed in the result list.

Selecting an object in the result list will show the details in exactly the same way as when selecting this object in the normal project tree.

Visibility settings

As an option you may want to show the claiming state of the found objects' partition MULTI-USER 4, display the object color 5 or group objects based on their location in the overall project tree, the object path 6. For long paths only the first and last part of the hierarchy will be displayed.

Setting the search critera

Specifying a search is very easy. First, specify if you want to search in the name field, the description field or in any text field of articy objects.

Alternatively a fourth search criteria Search by query allows to enter a query expression that is able to filter objects by type, template or even property content. Multiple sub-criteria can even be combined by using AND/OR. Read below to learn more about the query based search.

Next, enter the search text. All objects that contain this text somewhere in the chosen field, even if there is more text, are added to the result list.

Now you can decide if you want to search all project languages or a specific one NEW in X!.

If you search All or the Primary language, results will be shown as usual like when the object gets selected in the Navigator. If you search for a specific secondary language, results will be shown in the Localization View, when selected.

You can also decide if you want the search to consider character casing by checking or unchecking Case sensitive.

Then, decide if you want to search in your entire articy:draft project or if you want to restrict the search to a certain part of the project. The search below would only find objects in the entity folder "Characters".

Advanced search (Search by query)

If you set the search criterion to "Search by query", you can use the articy:draft query language to search for objects by your own criteria. You find a description of the query language here: ArticyDraft - Query Language.pdf.

When using the query language inside the search, make sure to leave out


for all queries. Just type in the following part of the query to get your results.

Connecting criteria with AND/OR

You can connect multiple query criteria with the logical operators AND and OR. The syntax allows the following notations:
criteria 1 and criteria 2 or criteria 3
criteria 1 && criteria 2 || criteria 3

Using the technical name

When using the query language make sure to use the technical names of objects, templates, features and properties. The display name can contain space characters and can therefore not be parsed as necessary.


The following examples just describe some of the most useful queries. You can create a lot more queries by using the whole ArticyDraft - Query Language.pdf.

Object type
Example:ObjectType = Entity or ObjectType = Location
You can search for objects from a specific type. The example above would find all objects that are of the type entity or location.

Example: Template(anyof, Item, Character)
You can search for objects with a specific template. The example above would find all objects that have the template "Item" or "Character".

Display name
Example: Compare(DisplayName, StartsWith, 'Item_')
You can search for objects where the display name fulfills a certain criterion. The example above would find all objects with a display name that starts with "Item". Instead of "StartsWith" you could also use "!StartsWith" (all objects with a display name that does NOT start with...), "EndsWith", "!EndsWith", "Contains" or "!Contains".

Property value
Example: Enemy.Hitpoints >= 100
You can search for objects where a custom propery has a certain value. The example above would find all objects with the feature "Enemy" where the property "Hitpoints" is higher or equal to "100".

Claimed by
Example: ClaimedBy(AnyOf, Me, 'Peter')
You can find all objects that are currently claimed by a specific team member. The example above would lead to all objects that are currently claimed by you or "Peter". You can use the following operators: Me, AnyOne, NoOne, AnyOf, NoneOf.