Implement flow containers?

Tue 21. Jan 2014, 11:33

Currently with my skill tree for each level I'm using annotations as a form of container, this allows me to know which skills can be learnt at a certain level however there's a few downsides to this:
  • Annotations have a limited size meaning that not all skills will fit within the annotation
  • Flow objects cannot be contained within the annotation
  • Moving an annotation around will not move the flow objects unless you select them all
What I would like is to have is a container that can have an unlimited size and can have flow objects contained within it so that just moving the container will allow the other flow objects to move with it. Essentially it's similar to the submerge feature however the container has now bearing on anything other than to contain flow objects. Maybe even just have the annotations do this instead?
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon 13. Jan 2014, 13:09

Re: Implement flow containers?

Thu 23. Jan 2014, 10:38

Hi Varsh,

Thanks a lot for your feedback! :)
Your suggestion sounds very useful (especially for the skill tree use case you mentioned). We'll definitely put it on our list for features we'd like to add in the future.
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Julius Kuschke
Posts: 23
Joined: Thu 24. Nov 2011, 14:02
Location: Bochum

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