Tweet Articy Session Stats

Fri 29. May 2015, 18:56

When I work at home I use a program called Anti-Social to lock me out of distracting places on the internet. One feature it has at the end of each session, is an option to Tweet how long you used it for. So I was thinking that this might be a nice feature for Articy. The way it could work is at the end of each session, you have the option to Tweet how long the session was, how much text you added/destroyed, how many dialog fragments/entities you created/destroyed, a short comment for how well you think the session went, etc. A feature like this could motivate designers to work a little harder, help promote their games on the internet and promote Articy as well. This is not a feature request, just something I thought could be fun to have. :)
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Joined: Fri 16. Jan 2015, 22:14

Re: Tweet Articy Session Stats

Thu 17. Sep 2015, 06:44

Hey Ariegos,

yeah, that's a funny idea. Depends on the amount of work you've done with articy, you'll drop a wall of tweets into the world :D

But actually what you can do is Twitch your work with articy:draft... if you're allowed to show content or something like that. I know that it's a real push forward, when you steam
your development. Let other people join and tell them about your workflow. So this might help other users, if they see your workflow aspects with articy and to promote your game as well.
Afterwards you can upload it to youtube and have more stuff to share... on Twitter ;) Just a thought.

Anyway, thanks for sharing your idea! I'll discuss a social media connection with the design departure.

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[Articy] Martin Gebske
Posts: 52
Joined: Mon 3. Nov 2014, 13:44
Location: Bochum

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