Debugging Unity Export

Mon 17. Apr 2017, 09:13

Hey guys,

First of all, just wanted to say hi, I'm Eric. Love the product so far. Lots of huge wins. Starting to tell everybody about it!

So.. I want to use Articy and Unity. I started using the demo project, and if I know anything, it's that it's best to start with the demo project. Lots of hidden gems there usually. But I already have an Articy project. And you know the story, there's no easy way to migrate the data. I know you guys are thinking about a cross-project importer. To be honest, I'd be OK with just having 2 projects open and copy/pasting, but either way.

So what I did was export the demo xslx, copy over the table data and null the IDs. It took a couple hours, figured out you need to import one table at a time so dependencies don't throw errors. Finally I got everything migrated, I think, and upon exporting to Unity, it throw vague an error:

So I check the logs, unfortunately not too helpful.

2017-04-17 01:11:09 P-00000011 [E]: Custom Export failed


Username: Eric
MachineName: DESKTOP-E9JI4MT
OS: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
Time: 2017-04-17T01:11:09
Debug-Build: False
64-Bit build: True
64-Bit system: True
ThreadName: P-00000011



System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Articy.Editor.Export.Custom.CustomExporter.GenerateObjectDataForModel(BusinessModel aConstraintedModel, TypeLayoutInformation aTypeLayout, Dictionary`2 aPackageLocalizedStrings)
at Articy.Editor.Export.Custom.CustomExporter.WritePackages()
at Articy.Editor.Export.Custom.CustomExporter.Start()
at Articy.CustomExports.RuleSetExporter.Execute()
at Articy.Editor.Commands.ExportProjectOrder.BackgroundWorkerOnDoWork(Object aSender, DoWorkEventArgs aDoWorkEventArgs)
at System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.OnDoWork(DoWorkEventArgs e)
at System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.WorkerThreadStart(Object argument)

Source: ArticyApp

So before I spent 2 hours migrating, I found out that data for custom fields like Conditions and Spot's aren't validated on removal of data or export of data (not entirely - it sometimes throws an error when you try to import into Unity). So I figured it was those custom fields, so I exported my project xslx, removed all that stuff, so its just basic relations. Unfortunately still no go. I'm at a loss why object reference it's missing, and I'm not sure did it not get caught in the import process? I'm kind of trusting that validates the data relations (at least for the "Parent")

So in an effort to find out whats going on with the data I took a poke at the Assets.sqlite db, which is just assets, pretty sure what I'm looking for is in Partitions, which seem to be some sort of serialization (adpd is what?). Is there any way I can take a look at that data to figure it out myself? Or get more info in the log? Any ideas? (DLL inject func overrides? lol)

Thanks in advance guys,
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Re: Debugging Unity Export

Tue 18. Apr 2017, 14:29

Hi Eric,

thanks for the kind words and checking articy:draft out, especially in combination with the unity plugin ;)

But ofc its unfortunate that you had issues with the export. So if possible, could you send us a support ticket with your project data at That why i can quickly debug the issue and work on a fix or at least can tell you what went wrong. Currently we are preparing for another bug fix release and hopefully i can get it in aswell.

And yeah getting data from one project to another is definitely something we need to improve.

So in an effort to find out whats going on with the data I took a poke at the Assets.sqlite db, which is just assets, pretty sure what I'm looking for is in Partitions, which seem to be some sort of serialization (adpd is what?). Is there any way I can take a look at that data to figure it out myself? Or get more info in the log? Any ideas? (DLL inject func overrides? lol)

While nobody will stop you from digging in those files, changing anything will make official support impossible. ;) but i would do the same, psst!
Nico Probst
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Re: Debugging Unity Export

Wed 19. Apr 2017, 07:07

Hey Nico,

Thanks for the reply mate. Having a little trouble getting through to your support email.

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Re: Debugging Unity Export

Wed 19. Apr 2017, 07:50


I got it working. I think your mail server denied the 17MB attachment.

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Re: Debugging Unity Export

Wed 19. Apr 2017, 11:40


yep, got your project, could reproduce the issue and fixed it! So expect it in the next articy:draft version.

In the meantime you can do the following to get a working export: You have a couple of Jump nodes in your project, that have no target this is causing the issue and producing the reference null exception. Delete those jumps or set them to something to get it working again.
To find all jumps, you can use the query search

query_search.png (11.44 KiB) Viewed 15161 times

Best regards

Nico Probst
Senior Software Engineer | Articy | LinkedIn
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Re: Debugging Unity Export

Sun 30. Apr 2017, 18:01

Thanks Nico, that ended up solving it.
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