Strip Contains Self

Sat 5. May 2018, 07:19


I have an entity called module and another called upgrade. Each upgrade has a strip property that has a reference to all the modules they can be applied to. This strip is called ApplicableTo.

I tried putting a calculated strip on the Module which should list all the upgrades that can be applied to the module.

I Tried
Code: Select all
SELECT * FROM Entities WHERE Upgrade.ApplicableTo contains SELF

and .
Code: Select all
SELECT * FROM Entities WHERE Contains(Upgrade.ApplicableTo, SELF)

Neither worked. Am I missing something? Help pls.

Posts: 2
Joined: Sat 5. May 2018, 07:10

Re: Strip Contains Self

Sat 5. May 2018, 14:55

My bad... didn't read the documentation enough.

I fixed it so that upgrades will have a calculated strip of all the modules that use it.
ObjectLists (ie Strips) can only be evaluated using Compare.

This code worked

Code: Select all
SELECT * FROM Entities WHERE Compare(ModuleProperties.ModuleUpgrades, anyof, self)
Posts: 2
Joined: Sat 5. May 2018, 07:10

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