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Fri 26. Apr 2019, 10:33

Creative Ways to Use Your Vacuum Cleaner

A vacuum cleaner is not just for vacuuming. You can do much more with any The Best Vacuum Cleaners Image than just removing dirt and dust from your carpets and floors.

Have a look at these situations where a vacuum cleaner can save the day.

Brighten Carpets, Pillows, and Upholstery

Besides removing dirt, crumbs, and dust, your vacuum cleaner and baking soda are also able to brighten fabrics and get rid of unpleasant odors.

All you need to do is spray the baking soda over your carpets, toss pillows, and upholstery. Clean it gently with a mop or a damp sponge.

Leave the baking soda for some time before vacuuming it away. The abrasive property of baking soda can loosen the grime before the vacuum cleaner sucks it all up.

The brighter fabrics in the end will surely amaze you.


Prevent Fires

Did you know that excess lint is one of the main culprits of household fires? Vacuum cleaners are a great way to get rid of it, especially in your dryer and its vent system.

If you have a gas dryer, remember to switch off its gas line first, then vacuum the vent and under the dryer with a crevice tool. You can also open the back housing and vacuum it to remove the trapped lint.

Get Rid of Pet Hair

Wait, why is it listed as a surprising use?

It's true that one of the jobs of any Image Top Rated Vacuum Cleaners is gathering any pet hair building up on your rugs or tumbling on your hard floors. But there are also other places where you may find a vacuum cleaner handy.

Apart from your floors, you can use it to clean your pets’ bedding and clean pet hair from bedspreads and quilts before tossing them to the washer machine.

Remember, don't ever leave too much hair in your washer, as it may lead to leaks, clogs, or even cause the water pumps to stop working.

And of course, you can use a vacuum cleaner to groom your pet as well.

There are some attachments that can help it brush and suction away the loose fur, but make sure to do it in a gentle way, or your pet will feel uncomfortable.

Clean Your Kitchen Appliances

A refrigerator will become less efficient and even struggle to keep a steady low temperature if its condenser and coils are covered in dust. In this case, just use a vacuum cleaner to get rid of the dust to prolong the lifespan of your refrigerator.

The crumbs between countertops and appliances are the perfect environment for insects to thrive. You can clean these areas with the crevice tool. On top of that, removing crumbs in your toasters also prevents accidental fires from happening.


Recover Items

If you happen to drop small items such as screws, nails, or your earrings behind a hard-to-reach appliance or corner, just get out your vacuum cleaner.

Aim it at your lost item to let the suction power trap it in the mesh.

☼☼☼ See Page: Best Vacuum Cleaners Reviews Image

Final words

You didn’t expect the above uses from your vacuum cleaner, did you? And the best part is that you don't need the best vacuum in the world for those tasks. They are a marvelous appliance for any household and can do wonders beyond their intended job.

Do you know any other useful applications of a vacuum cleaner? Please share them with other readers in the comments below.
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Joined: Fri 26. Apr 2019, 10:31

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