New Version available! 1.1.5 (32416)

Wed 6. Dec 2017, 15:52

Hey everyone!

we have a new release for you with some of the most requested features and fixes. Unity 5.5 & 5.6 and Unity 2017

New in this version is that you can move the import file to any folder you wish, you can also place the localization files in a different folder. No more clutter in your Assets/ root folder.

We also changed the import process to increase performance. If the plugin detects no changes to the templates or features it will only import the changes in your data without the need to generate new c# classes and therefore recompile multiple times. Changing scripts in articy:draft still generates a single new code file but should also be much faster than before.
This change should increase the import performance especially for larger projects.

Please note that both features need the newest articy:draft version 3.1.8.

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32416 1.1.5 release

** Important ** Certain new features require articy:draft version 3.1.8. to work. Marked by (3.1.8) at the end of the entry.

- added: faster optimized import when data or scripts are changed. A regular or full import is triggered when changing template or features. (3.1.8)
- modified: The articyu3d can now be exported in any folder not only the Asset/ folder. (3.1.8)
- modified: The plugin settings can now be moved to any folder and are by default created inside ArticyContent/.
- modified: localization excel files can also be placed in any folder. The only requirement here is that all localization excel files share the same folder. (3.1.8)
- modified: Plugin is now using Json.NET 10.0.3.
- added: Button to jump to the settings asset.
- fixed: Using templates for Instructions and Conditions produced a warning about incorrectly generated Evaluate methods.
- fixed: Timing issues with package loading when going into play mode.
- fixed: Default package was always reloaded even when unloading it.
- fixed: "Auto load package at start" was not properly saved.
- fixed: Certain comments in articy script could lead to incorrectly generated code in unity.
- fixed: Package names now gracefully handle special characters.
- fixed: Unecessary warning for global variable sets with no variables.
- fixed: Null reference exceptions in regards to the database view.

If you encounter any problems with the changes in the plugin please let us know and if necessary you can go back to the previous versions found here (2017) and here(5.6)

Happy coding!

Nico Probst
Senior Software Engineer | Articy | LinkedIn
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