Multiple Articy Flow players

Thu 23. Jan 2020, 20:27

Is there a limit to how many Articy Flow Players you can have in your project? We're using one "master" flow player to handle the overall game flow, but what I want to do is use a flow player to manage an NPC's AI. So each NPC would have their own flow player and their own little flow segment that would do the normal stuff.
Example: We use something we call an ActionList to make the characters perform things. Like walk to this point, do an animation, say something, walk to send point, do an animation, say something, walk back to first point etc.
Now that's all one Flow Fragment that we parse ourselves. But...we'd like to add more intelligence so, for example, and the end of the loop above instead of just repeating we'd traverse to a Conditional node, which would analyze the conditions, then either go back to the first ActionList or on to another one, etc.
We'd be extra careful that no Articy Flow Player would be working on the same fragment at once, but our designer loves using Articy and we're really hoping he can use it to "program" AI and not just game flow.
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Re: Multiple Articy Flow players

Fri 24. Jan 2020, 08:36

Hi MikeRifRaf,

you can use as many as you like. The only thing to remember is the GlobalVariables. Normally they are shared so even while different FlowPlayers could have different "current pauses" (i.e. positions in the flow), they all work using the same instance of global variables. If you have multiple flow players to do totally different things, you might need to either have different namespaces inside your global variables to have each flow player work on their own namespace or create the global variables in a way that they can be instantiated and have each flow player their own instance of the same global variables definition. In other words, it is not possible to give each and every flow player their complete own definition of global variables.
But besides that you can do whatever you like.

We'd be extra careful that no Articy Flow Player would be working on the same fragment at once

That is only necessary if you plan on modifying data on this object directly utilizing setProp and getProp inside articy script. Otherwise you don't need to take extra care, except for global variables as stated above.

Hope that helps

Best regards

Nico Probst
Senior Software Engineer | Articy | LinkedIn
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Re: Multiple Articy Flow players

Fri 24. Jan 2020, 15:29

Excellent! I honestly hadn't even thought about the whole global variables issue but I don't think it'll be a problem. We'd only be modifying them in very specific instances one at a time so there shouldnt' be any conflict. Regarding the setProp() getProp() haven't messed with that too much yet so I might have some more questions regarding that soon. I'll keep you posted!
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