[BUG] Importer dramatically reduced performance

Thu 29. Jun 2017, 09:52

Using last version on importer on big project (>300k words) with multiple packages the opened database panel (Articy -> Show Database Panel) tightly hangs Unity. If this editor is open you can`t do anything else in Unity until closing it. Also to check/uncheck auto load package you need to wait ~2-3 minutes before click would be accepted. All tests done on PC with core i7 cpu, 32gb memory.
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Re: [BUG] Importer dramatically reduced performance

Thu 29. Jun 2017, 12:15

Hi misterionkell,

that really sounds like a performance problem in the actual list in that view. As you said even switching the default package should, at edit time, only cause visual changes.
When you say "> 300k words" do you mean objects or actual words inside those objects. Usually only objects are actually affecting, in this view, the performance.
If you meant objects, it seems i have to optimize the way the list is built and sorted. Do you suffer from any further performance issues? Or is only the Database view affected? Sometimes log output can be an extreme cause for performance drop, maybe the database view is spamming the log window with warnings/errors, can you post a screenshot of those if that is the case?

I will have a look into the view first and try to find the performance hog.

Thanks for reporting!

Best regards

Nico Probst
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Re: [BUG] Importer dramatically reduced performance

Thu 29. Jun 2017, 12:30

Hi Niko. No any errors, warnings or so on in unity log or console. It`s just freeze and utilize one cpu core for 100%. In this project we have a lots of text - more then 300k words (and ~25 mb in generated assets folded) and also ~6000 articy items. I think the object list should be hidden by default in Articy plugin or (it`s better i think) it should be moved to other editor window.
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Re: [BUG] Importer dramatically reduced performance

Thu 29. Jun 2017, 12:39

I think the object list should be hidden by default in Articy plugin or (it`s better i think) it should be moved to other editor window.

I didn't want to make much UI if not necessary, currently all fits into that window. But that view is a good way to see "Ah the plugin worked fine!".
Normally the database view or object list is built in a way to work independant of the amount of the objects, but something seems to go wrong. Could you please check if the display gets better or worse once you enter a filter? If it stays bad, it is in fact related to a large amount of text and not necessarily the amount of objects.

Anyway i'm currently building a larger demo project and check if i can find the performance problem.

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Re: [BUG] Importer dramatically reduced performance

Thu 29. Jun 2017, 12:56

[Nevigo] Nico Probst wrote:
Could you please check if the display gets better or worse once you enter a filter? If it stays bad, it is in fact related to a large amount of text and not necessarily the amount of objects.Nico

Its seems like this performance breakdown happens only if export all this amount of text and object in more then 8 packages (i`l check it for 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 packages separately and 8 is some kind of magic freeze number for me). If export it in one package - all work fast and fine.
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Re: [BUG] Importer dramatically reduced performance

Thu 29. Jun 2017, 13:02

So you mean having a single object articy object like an Entity, in more than 8 packages ... hm interesting ... definitely a help when trying to pinpoint that!

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Re: [BUG] Importer dramatically reduced performance

Thu 29. Jun 2017, 13:02

[Nevigo] Nico Probst wrote:
I didn't want to make much UI if not necessary, currently all fits into that window. But that view is a good way to see "Ah the plugin worked fine!".Normally the database view or object list is built in a way to work independant of the amount of the objects, but something seems to go wrong.

Nico this fine while you are working with very small project like Articy demo projects. But whily working with real project this window used for:
1. Testing localization
2. Enable/Disable auto load packages
3. Finding Articy object for testing localizaion and export.

The 1 & 2 used very often while "Objects" look like rarely used functionality. UI lists in Unity is slow. Very slow. And when you have a list of several thousand elements, it is impossible to use.
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Re: [BUG] Importer dramatically reduced performance

Thu 29. Jun 2017, 13:09

Nico this fine while you are working with very small project like Articy demo projects. But whily working with real project this window used for:
1. Testing localization
2. Enable/Disable auto load packages
3. Finding Articy object for testing localizaion and export.

The 1 & 2 used very often while "Objects" look like rarely used functionality. UI lists in Unity is slow. Very slow. And when you have a list of several thousand elements, it is impossible to use.

Yeah, no question about that. I made the list with virtualization in mind (it's not really a unity list, i basically draw everything myself) it should only draw whats visible, but i suspect that calculating the visual portion is broken, saying for example that -10000 pixel are visible, would screw with that algorithm big time.
Nevertheless i agree that i could make that list optional or provide an opt-out to hide it.

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