Assembly Definition: ArticyGenerated.Editor Not Generated

Thu 21. Nov 2019, 00:03


I'm leaving the 'Use Assembly Definitions" at ON when importing from Articy. Interestingly, every time after I've updated the template definitions, the first attempt of import always fails with the dialogue "check the errors in your console". But there's no error being shown at all. Also the file: ArticyGenerated.Editor.asmdef is missing under the Editor folder. The workaround is to disable and enable 'Use Assembly Definitions" and import again, then everything works correctly, and ArticyGenerated.Editor.asmdef is being generated correctly.

My guess is there are some bugs in the plugin that stops it to generate the ArticyGenerated.Editor.asmdef file. I'm using v2.0.4 of the plugin and Unity 2019.2.10f1.
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Re: Assembly Definition: ArticyGenerated.Editor Not Generate

Thu 21. Nov 2019, 16:52

Hi shanehou,

thanks for reporting this issue.
We could reproduce it and also know the cause of it. We will inform you about updates regarding it.

Best regards,

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[Articy] Christian Schildt
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Re: Assembly Definition: ArticyGenerated.Editor Not Generate

Thu 28. Nov 2019, 19:54

Hey Chris! Thanks for your quick response, any ETA for fixing this? Thanks!
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Re: Assembly Definition: ArticyGenerated.Editor Not Generate

Sun 8. Dec 2019, 16:26

Hi shanehou,

Unfortunately, I cannot give you a proper time estimate for this, because currently we have a dependency on which we wait before we release a new version.
Roughly estimated, there should be a release in a few weeks, but I cannot promise anything.

Best regards,

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[Articy] Christian Schildt
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