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IArticyFlowPlayerCallbacksOnBranchesUpdated Method

Called when the traversal found multiple branches and/or when the execution paused because of a PausedOn, or it found a dead end.

Namespace:  Articy.Unity
Assembly:  ArticyRuntime (in ArticyRuntime.dll) Version: 1.0.3
void OnBranchesUpdated(
	IList<Branch> aBranches


Type: System.Collections.GenericIListBranch
A list of all valid or not valid encountered branches.

All branches found from the current object are passed into this method. How you implement this method is highly depending on your use case, you could use this to build a ui showing all available dialogue choices in a game dialogue for example. If the flow player ended in a dead end, an empty collection is passed.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using Articy.Unity;
using Articy.Unity.Interfaces;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class BranchingExampleScript : MonoBehaviour, IArticyFlowPlayerCallbacks
    public void OnFlowPlayerPaused(IFlowObject aObject)
        var dspName = aObject as IObjectWithDisplayName;
        if (dspName != null)
        var menuTxt = aObject as IObjectWithMenuText;
        if (menuTxt != null)
        var text = aObject as IObjectWithText;
        if (text != null)

    // this will be called when we have new branches and we want to display each branch as a button on the screen
    public void OnBranchesUpdated(IList<Branch> aBranches)
        // delete all old buttons from previous branches
        var oldButtons = FindObjectsOfType<Button>();
        foreach (var btn in oldButtons)

        var pos = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

        // now we create for every branch a button
        foreach (var branch in aBranches)
            // if a branch is not valid, we don't want to create a button for it
            if (!branch.IsValid) continue;

            // build a label depending on the target
            string buttonLabel = "Unknown";

            // to give the button a nice label, we use the object interfaces and check which one is the most appropriate
            var dspName = branch.Target as IObjectWithDisplayName;
            if (dspName != null)
                buttonLabel = dspName.DisplayName;
            var text = branch.Target as IObjectWithText;
            if (text != null)
                buttonLabel = text.Text;
            var menuTxt = branch.Target as IObjectWithMenuText;
            if (menuTxt != null)
                buttonLabel = menuTxt.MenuText;

            Branch localBranch = branch; // necessary when we iterate over it (modified closure)
            // create the button
            CreateButton(pos, buttonLabel, () => ButtonClick(localBranch.BranchId));
            // modify our position for the next button, so we create a simple vertical list of buttons.
            pos = new Vector3(0, pos.y - 64, 0);

        // this is very rough code and would in its current form delete everytime all buttons found in the scene
        // The code would be a lot easier and cleaner with prefabs, but then would be difficult to show in a script only example.

    // called when a button is clicked, this makes sure t
    void ButtonClick(int aId)
        // if one of our branch button is clicked, we just tell our flow player to continue with the traversal

    // create a new button with label, position and click handler
    public Button CreateButton(Vector3 position, string aLabel, UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction method)
        var buttonObj = new GameObject("Button");

        var buttonTransform = buttonObj.AddComponent<RectTransform>();
        var btn = buttonObj.AddComponent<Button>();
        buttonObj.transform.position = position;
        buttonTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(200, 64);
        buttonTransform.SetParent(FindObjectOfType<Canvas>().transform, false);

        var image = buttonObj.AddComponent<Image>();
        image.sprite = AssetDatabase.GetBuiltinExtraResource<Sprite>("UI/Skin/UISprite.psd");
        image.type = Image.Type.Sliced;
        image.color = Color.white;

        var textObj = new GameObject("ButtonLabel");
        var textTransform = textObj.AddComponent<RectTransform>();
        var text = textObj.AddComponent<Text>();
        text.color =;
        text.font = Resources.GetBuiltinResource<Font>("Arial.ttf");
        text.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;

        textTransform.anchorMin =;
        textTransform.anchorMax =;
        textTransform.sizeDelta =;

        GameObjectUtility.SetParentAndAlign(textObj, buttonObj);

        text.text = aLabel;
        return btn;
See Also