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Articy.Unity Namespace

This contains all classes for the articy Importer for Unity plugin.
Public classArticyAssetCaretaker
Small helper object to simplify the process of assigning Articy Assets to unity components.
Public classArticyBranchSortByPosition
A sample branch sorting algorithm that sorts branches according to their flow position from top to bottom.
Public classCode exampleArticyDatabase
Access to all your imported articy data.
Public classArticyEnumValueInfo
Type infos about the value of an enum ArticyType.
Public classArticyFlowPlayer
Main flow traversal component. Used to automatically traverse the flow and notify about new branches and important objects.
Public classArticyHierarchyManager
Gives basic informations about all articy objects in your project, exported or not, and their parent child relationship.
Public classArticyHierarchyNode
Contains hierarchy informations about an articy object.
Public classArticyLanguage
Contains information about a language
Public classArticyLocaCaretaker
A helper object when dealing with localization and the unity ui.
Public classArticyLocalizationManager
Manages and handles all localization data, settings and automatically takes care of loading and unloading necessary text repositories. Localization holds the instance that gets used by the plugin.
Public classArticyLocalizationPackage
An storage class for localization data.
Public classArticyMultiLanguageString
Class used for localizable string properties. Holds the loca key, a reference to the voice over asset, and additional information about the origin property. It will return the string and voice over asset localized in the current set language. Supports automaticially string interpolation via ArticyTextExtension.
Public classCode exampleArticyNotificationManager
Handles adding and removing of listeners to notify about changes of global variables.
Public classArticyObject
The base class of all articy objects.
Public classCode exampleArticyObjectNotificationManager
Register callbacks to listen for object changes, with a variety of filter and options. Useful if you need to react to changes to any property change inside your articy:draft objects.
Public classArticyPackage
An articy package containing models.
Public classArticyPackageDefinition
Information about articy packages.
Public classArticyPrimitive
A simple articy object is called a Primitive.
Public classArticyProject
Imported information about the articy:draft user project.
Public classArticyPropertyInfo
Contains meta information about a property of an ArticyType.
Public classCode exampleArticyRef
Used to expose articy objects safely in your unity components.
Public classArticyRefComplexAttribute
This attribute can be used to display a full configurable ArticyRef with instance id and cloning options.
Public classArticyReference
Component to hold a single ArticyRef.
Public classArticyRuntimeSettings
Contains settings for the plugin that are used at runtime.
Public classArticyScriptCondition
Value class for a script condition.
Public classArticyScriptInstruction
Value class for a script instruction.
Public classArticyString
Class used for non-localizable string properties. Holds the string value and additional information about the origin property. Supports automaticially string interpolation via ArticyTextExtension.
Public classArticyText
Helper class that manages a text with localization and token resolving, with built-in databinding automatically refreshing the Text if a token source is changed. Check this article for an introduction.
Public classArticyTextChangedEvent
UnityEvent class that is used when the Text of a ArticyText is changed.
Public classArticyTextComponent
Component for an ArticyText. Use that if you don't want to create a custom script for a text.
Public classArticyTextExtension
Text Extension manager class, containing the different Resolve methods for accessing the token resolving.
Public classArticyType
Stores information about a generated articy type. With it you can access its property, template and additional type information similar to how reflection works in C#.
Public classCode exampleArticyTypeConstraintAttribute
This attribute can be used to limit the available options on ArticyRefs object picker.
Public classArticyTypeSystem
Performant reflection system for all articy types.
Public classBaseGlobalVariables
Abstract base class for generated variable storages.
Public classBranch
Single choice inside the traversal logic.
Public classPreviewImage
Contains information about the preview image of articy objects.
Public classStoredBaseVariable
Base class for all stored variables
Public classStoredBoolVariable
Information about a boolean variable.
Public classStoredIntVariable
Information about a int variable.
Public classStoredStringVariable
Information about a string variable.
Public classTextExtensionInternalMethods
Contains implementations of methods that can be used in texts that gets resolved by the ArticyTextExtension.
Public classTransformation
Information about location transformations
Public structureArticyChangedProperty
Contains all infos about a changed property, called by the ArticyObjectNotificationManager
Public structureArticyTextToken
Contains info about a token for custom resolving
Public interfaceIArticyFlowPlayerCallbacks
Interface used together with ArticyFlowPlayer for notification of flow traversal events.
Public interfaceIArticyPrimitive
Base interface for all simple articy objects.
Public interfaceIArticyScriptFragment
Base class for all script fragments.
Public interfaceIBaseScriptMethodProvider
Base interface for the generated IScriptMethodProvider interface.
Public interfaceIFlowObject
Base class for all traversable objects in the flow. (Nodes, Pins, Connections etc.)
Public interfaceIObjectCloning
Interface for object cloning
Public interfaceIStoredVariable
Interface containing information about a variable
Public delegateCustomTextLookup
Used to override text lookup.
Public delegateLanguageChangedEvent
Delegate used when notifying the framework about a recent language switch.
Public enumerationArticyLogSubsystem
Defines the different built-in systems that have their own logging.
Public enumerationArticyLogVerbosity
Flag to configure what kind of messages you want to see inside the logs.
Public enumerationArticyPropertyConstraint
Contains all types of constraints a property can have.
Public enumerationArticyRefModes
These define the modes for an articy reference.
Public enumerationArticyTypeProperties
All property reference locations
Public enumerationFlowPlayerFinishFlags
Configure how the flow player works on stop nodes and branches.
Public enumerationPausableObjectTypes
Describes what elements are valid stops for the execution engine
Public enumerationPreviewImageViewBoxModes
Different view box modes for preview images.