Hello and welcome to the articy:draft First Steps tutorial series.
This series contais 18 Lessons that you can either view as a video or read as a blog with texts and helpful screenshots. Simply click play on the video or scroll down to dive in.
This series was done with articy:draft 3, but all shown information is also valid for articy:draft X
The Goal of this Series
This 1st steps series is tailored for new articy:draft users and will show you how to find your way around the program and introduce you to the main features. You will learn how to create characters and items, write branching dialogue, and create choices and simple logic for your story. After going through this tutorial series you should feel secure enough to start a first project on your own.

If you already installed the app and added a license, you can skip the rest of this Lesson and go straight to the second lesson. The same is true if you purchased articy:draft on Steam. Then you can install the software like any other Steam application.
How to get the client from our website
1. Go to the articy website. Select Support in the menu bar at the top of the screen and click the Downloads tile in the top-left.
In the support section you can find a lot of information around articy:draft, the Help Center, this tutorial series and other lessons, and a way to contact our support in case you encounter any technical issues.
2. Download the articy:draft 3 client or the articy:draft X client.
3. Start the Setup executable and follow the installation wizard.
We will use the Single-User version for this series, but of course you can also follow if you are using the Multi-User version.
To set-up a multi-user server, please follow the how to set up a multi-user server help video
How to register the product:
If you already purchased or subscribed to a license, your license key was sent to the email address used when registering.
If you don’t have a license yet, you can try out articy:draft for two weeks, 100% free: no Credit Card information required. Simply register here or click on the big orange free trial button at the top of our website, enter name and email and confirm.
The welcome mail should arrive in a couple of minutes.
1. Copy your license key from the welcome mail – either trial or purchase – and paste it in the license form. Select an installation folder and continue until the installation is complete.
2. Once installed, double click the program icon to open articy:draft.
If the screen looks like below everything is how it’s supposed to be. This is called the articy welcome screen, we will continue from here in our next Lesson.
In case you skipped entering a license key during installation, you will see this message on screen: “There is no single-user license registered on this computer! Please open the bubble menu and select license management.”
3 The bubble menu is the aptly named main menu in the top left with the circular, “bubbly” icon. Click the icon to open the menu.
Here you can also change articy’s UI language. Thanks to our very helpful community we have a growing list of supported languages.
4. Select the entry license management.
5. Click Register then enter or paste the license key you received.
Great, now articy:draft is ready for use.
In this first lesson we downloaded, installed and registered the app, in preparation for the coming tutorial parts.
Up next
In our next Lesson we will install the demo project that we are going to use throughout this 1st steps course.
Thank you for joining us, and join us again in our next tutorial.
Useful links:
How to set up articy Multi-User server
Download articy:draft 3 client
Download articy:draft X client
Don’t have articy:draft X yet? Get the free version now!
Get articy:draft X FREE
*No Payment information required
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