Importing data

The Import Wizard

The majority of the articy:draft X imports are accessible through the Import Wizard. To open the Import Wizard click the main menu button 1 and select “Import” 2 or use the keyboard shortcut Shift + Ctrl + I

The majority of the articy:draft X imports are accessible through the Import Wizard. To open the Import Wizard click the main menu button 1 and select “Import” 2 or use the keyboard shortcut  +  + I

Now select the file you want to import 3 and click Next 4. The Import Wizard will make a quick internal check for all registered import options.

If the result is unambiguous the import will continue to the next step, if the selected file could be processed by several imports, a selection will be displayed for the user to decide 5.

Next come the specific import options that vary between different import options. Please continue to your specific import for further details:

Other Import

There is an additional Import in articy:draft X that is not found in the Import Wizard, as it is context specific – the Final Draft Import.