Click or drag to resize

ApiSessionSelectObject Method

Opens an object picker where the user can select a given object

Namespace:  Articy.Api
Assembly:  ArticyApp (in ArticyApp.dll) Version: 1.0.0
public bool SelectObject(
	ref ObjectProxy aSelectedObject,
	IsObjectAllowed aFilter = null,
	bool aAllowEmptySelection = false,
	ObjectProxy aRootObject = null,
	bool aShowHierarcy = true,
	string aTitleLid = null,
	string aDescriptionLid = null,
	string aFilterText = null


Type: Articy.ApiObjectProxy
the (currently) selected object
aFilter (Optional)
Type: Articy.ApiIsObjectAllowed
a filter delegate to customize which objects are valid in the picker
aAllowEmptySelection (Optional)
Type: SystemBoolean
true if the user is allowed to select an "no object", falseotherwise.
aRootObject (Optional)
Type: Articy.ApiObjectProxy
the object that should be used as root object of the object tree
aShowHierarcy (Optional)
Type: SystemBoolean
set to false to show entries in a grouped list
aTitleLid (Optional)
Type: SystemString
Set this value to a non null value to use the given string either as loca id or literal text for the window title
aDescriptionLid (Optional)
Type: SystemString
Set this value to a non null value to use the given string either as loca id or literal text for the info/description area of the window
aFilterText (Optional)
Type: SystemString
Set this value to a non null value to pre-populate the search filter. Setting this value allways changes the view to the non-hierarchical view.

Return Value

Type: Boolean
true if the user leaves the dialog with "OK", false otherwise.
The aSelectedObject parameter only changes its value to the newly selected value if the dialog was closed with the "OK" button. The value will be null if the empty selected is allowed and was selected. This method always returns false when called from an external API program
See Also