Export to Unreal

Export your project data to Unreal®

To export to Unreal® follow these steps:

1 Open the export dialog via the main menu and select the Unreal® export from the list.
2 Select an export ruleset from the dropdown menu. To learn how to create new rulesets or modify existing ones, click here.
3 Choose your preferred markup language for text formatting. You can choose between plain text (= no markup), Unity® rich text or extended markup (used by TextMeshPro and other plugins). You can find more information about text formatting in the Unreal importer documentation under "UMG Rich Text Support".
4 Include Assets in export. Uncheck to skip copying assets files to the Unreal project, to speed up the export workflow.
5 Choose target folder for export. Usually this will be the content folder of the Unreal project.