
Advanced configuration

Import users

If you want to import lots of users without bothering about GUI you can do this by preparing a CSV that looks like this:
Username  E-Mail           Password   License
user01 user01@acme.com user01 M
user02 user02@acme.com user02 M
user03 user03@acme.com user03 M
user04 user04@acme.com 4f7jkz
user05 user05@acme.com secret V
user06 user06 V
user07 user07@acme.com user07 V
user08 user08@acme.com user08 V
user09 password N
user10 user10 N

Here are some remarks on the list format:
  • Accepted column separators are ";" or "," or "TAB", whichever is found first. But the entire CSV file needs to use the same separator.
  • The first line is mandatory, it is used for parsing the fields.
  • Entries in the column Username are mandatory.
  • Entries in the column E-Mail are optional.
  • Entries in the column Password are mandatory.
  • Entries in the column License are optional. Unset values are assumed as M. Possible license values are M for multi-user license, V for viewer license and N for no license.
  • If you want to use characters that are not covered by codepage 1252 you need to encode the CSV file with UTF8 and add the additional commandline parameter"/useutf8" when starting "ArticyServer.exe" (see below).

Once this list is prepared:
  • Open "Service manager"
  • Stop the service "articy:server"
  • Open a command line (cmd.exe) and use 'cd /d "%ProgramFiles%\articy server\server"'
  • Issue the command "ArticyServer.exe /con /importusers Users.csv". --> Server should echo a line for any user that is imported.
    The CSV file can be read from anywhere, just specify the fully specified URL/filename of the list file
  • After that hit "CTRL-C". --> The server stops and the user returns to the command prompt.
  • "EXIT" the command prompt --> Command line window closes.
  • Switch back to "service manager" and start the "articy:server" service again.


It may prove useful for a server administrator to define certain default settings or even restrictions for all articy:draft users who connect the the articy:server. In order to achieve this, the file ClientSettings.xml can be found in the installation directory of the articy:server. This file is an ordinary XML file. It is read by articy:server every time a new user logs in. This means, that changes to this file do NOT require a restart of the server.

Currently ClientSettings.xml supports:
  • Preselection and/or forcing of SCM provider
  • Preselection and/or forcing of SVN repository paths (local, remote and prefix)
  • Preselection and/or forcing of Perforce depot paths (host, port and prefix)

Plugin Override / Disabling

NEW in adx 4.0!
A newly installed articy:server X comes with the following placeholder values to override or disable plugins. For existing and updated servers, the missing parts can just be added to the ClientSettings.xml file.

<!-- properties for plugin disabling/overrides. available since 4.0.0 -->
<Category Name="PluginOverrides">
<!-- uncomment of you want to disable all locally installed plugins -->
<!-- <Property Name="DisableLocal" Value="true" /> -->
<!-- uncomment if you want enabled/disable specific plugins for all users
Specify the plugins technical name as "Name"
and set the value to "true" or "false"
Any non mentioned plugin can be freely enabled/disabled by the user -->
<!-- <Property Name="Articy.AiExtensions" Value="false" /> -->
<!-- <Property Name="Articy.LocaImportExport" Value="true" /> -->

Defining switches for Plugins

NEW in adx 4.0!

It is also possible to define switches (and their values) for globally useable plugins. Currently this is available for DeepL or OpenAI auth keys, but can be added for other plugins with MDK functionality.

<!-- properties for command-line functionality that can be globally be set 
for the server and all connecting users -->
<Category Name="Switches">
<!-- uncomment next property add DeepL API Authorization key
in "Value" attribute to propagate it to all users -->
<!-- <Property Name="Translate.DeepL.ApiKey" Value="" /> -->
<!-- uncomment next property add OpenAI API Authorization key
in "Value" attribute to propagate it to all users -->
<!-- <Property Name="AI.OpenAI.ApiKey" Value="" /> -->

Editing ArticyServer.cfg

Advanced configuration is done by editing the file ArticyServer.cfg in the directory \server inside the installation directory of your articy:server. These settings are only read when starting the service so you need to restart the service to force the settings to take effect.

Listening port

If you need to change the listening port to another value, change the value of the -listenport switch.

For example:
-listenport 16708

in case you want articy:server to listen on port 16708. Please keep in mind to re-configure your firewall as well, or your client systems won't be able to connect.

Adapter binding

As default the articy:server binds to all adapters on the system. If you want to specify one fixed IPv4 adapter change the value of the -adapter switch.

For example:

in case you want articy:server to only bind to the network adapter with IP

Configure log output directory

By default logs are places into the logs folder of you installation, you may change that behavior by editing the -fld switch to your needs.

For example:
-fld C:\MyLogs\

This will put file logs in the directory C:\MyLogs.

Configuring database

By default database related files are places into the db folder of you installation, you may change that behavior by editing the -dbpath switch to your needs.

For example:
-dbpath C:\MyDB\

This will put database related files in the directory C:\MyDB.

If there is no database file in the given directory, a new database file will be created. If a database file already exists, please put it in the new directory before starting the service.

Internal SVN advanced configuration

The SVN server reports its repository URL based on the machine name of the articy:server and its windows domain. This is OK for purely local installation but if you want to expose it to public (without VPN) you need a domain name that can be resolved from everywhere. To archive this add

-svn.machinename <full qualified domain-name of the svn server> 

e.g. articy-server.articy.com and ensure that this name is externally resolved to the incoming router IP (and add a port forward, and firewall rule) and internally resolved to the IP of the server.

If you want to change the default port (normally the port of the articy:server plus 1 ==> 16708 ) add
-svn.port 3690

To use another port. (3690 is the default SVN port for the svn:// protocol)

The repository is placed in the folder "Repository" inside the "DB" directory where the articy:server database is located. If you like to move the repository to another disk (e.g. "D:\Repository"), override the default path generation by adding
-svn.path <Path to repository folder to use> 

articy:server comes with a 32 Bit SVN 1.7 server placed in the "svn" directory. You can override the usage of this server by adding
-svn.bin <Path to bin folder of SVN installation> 

For troubleshooting you may enable SVN server logging by adding -svn.serverlog to the configuration

If you already have a repository and want articy:server to update the user records & passwords or like to add own SVN users you need to modify the files authz and passwd in the conf directory of the repository. The regions that are changed by articy:server are marked with

# NEVIGO: Start of articy:server managed users
# NEVIGO: End of articy:server managed users

For further info take a look at those files in the repository that were created from the installer.
It is recommended to change the password of the "ServerAdmin" user in the authz file or entirely remove this user. It is for administration convenience only.