
Main menu / master toolbar

The Main Menu

The round main menu button can be found in the top left corner of the main application window. It remains accessible throughout your entire articy:draft session and provides access to the most essential features.

After launch of the application

  • About articy:draft: Shows an info screen with details about your articy:draft version.
  • Contact Support: Shows an info screen with details about how to contact the support team and how to find articy log files.
  • Show License Agreement: Shows the EULA.
  • License management: Brings up the license manager. There you can view, activate and deactivate your license.

After opening a project

  • New window: Opens a new window. Click here to learn more about multiple windows in articy:draft.
  • Save project: Saves your changes to your hard disk. In multi-user environments, changes are also stored locally. You need to publish partitions to upload your changes to the server.
  • Export: Allows exporting your project to a multitude of formats.
  • Quickt Export: Exports with the last selected export settings.
  • Import: Opens the Import Wizard to re-import a file into articy:draft X
  • Change profile/password: MULTI-USER Brings up a profile editing window for the user currently logged in
  • Edit users in project MULTI-USER Brings up a project staff editing window where users can be added to / removed from the project.
  • Reset layout: Discards your current window/pane layout and presents you a fresh jumpstart screen
  • About articy:draft: Shows an info screen with details about your articy:draft version.
  • Contact Support: Shows an info screen with details about how to contact the support team and how to find articy log files.
  • Show License Agreement: Shows the EULA.
  • Close project: Closes the current project and goes back to the project selector

The Master Toolbar

Next to the main menu 1 you can find the master toolbar with buttons for frequently used commands.

  • 2 New window: Opens a new window. Click here to learn more about multiple windows in articy:draft.
  • 3 Save project: Saves your changes to your hard disk. In multi-user environments, changes are also stored locally. You need to publish partitions to upload your changes to the server.
  • 4 Undo: Undoes the last thing you've done.
  • 5 Redo: Redoes the last thing you've undone.
  • 6 Plugin Manager: NEW in adx 4.0! The Plugin Manager serves as an easy to use hub to activate / deactivate plugins as needed, keep the overview about what plugins are installed, and install additional custom plugins. Find more information about how to use plugins and the Plugin Manager here.
  • 7 Notifications: Opens the notification window.
  • 8 Articy Help Resources: Opens a window with links to all resources and documentation available for articy:draft.
  • 9 Autosave: The Autosave function is enabled by default and saves every 15 minutes (default) with a countdown of 10 seconds (default). The countdown for the upcoming save is displayed in the auto save notification. You can skip this save process by clicking cancel, if you are in a situation where you do not wish the project to be saved. The auto save notification will only be displayed in the master toolbar when the pre-save countdown starts.
    If you want to disable auto save or change the saving interval or countdown timer, you can do so with the help of the following commands within the articy.cfg:

    Disables auto save

    Time between autosaves 5-nnn Minutes
    -autosave.Interval 10

    Time the countdown timer for the upcoming autosave is displayed (0-60 seconds)
     autosave.NoticeTime 15

    If you want to learn more about the articy configuration file and more commands to customize certain articy:draft settings, check the Advanced Configuration entry.

Multi-user-related info in the main-menu MULTI-USER

Those elements of the master toolbar are only displayed in multi-user mode:
  • 10 Connection / login info: Displays your current user (and rights level) as well as the server you're connected to.
  • 11 Connectivity status: The signal light indicates the connectivity status. (see below for a "disconnected" example)
  • 12 Recent activity: Informs you about the last claiming/publishing activity of other users.
If you loose connection to the server, the connectivity status 13 will change:

You can still save your changes (locally) and reconnect later to publish your changes to the server, so no data loss will occur. In order to reconnect, you have to close the project and go back to the server page of the welcome screen.

articy:draft X FREE related info in the main-menu area

Next to the tutorial icon you can find the object counter 14 for the FREE version. When clicked it opens the object counter window 15 which gives you a clear overview how many free objects remain for each area.

If you exceed the number of objects in an area, for example by copy and pasting or by opening a project with too many objects, the project will be locked. The object counter icon will change 16 and the object counter window will notify you about the reason the lock occurred 17. It is still possible to view the object, but you cannot add any new objects to other areas until the exceeding objects have been removed or the license gets updated to a full version.