Statistics Report

Statistics are an invaluable tool for Localization. With articy:draft X we added a Statistics Report for both localized text and voice-over.

The Statistics Report provides character and word count separately for each speaker, if applicable, and in total for all properties set to localizable. For text as well as voice-over (voice-over columns will only be shown if the language is set up for VO).

"Localization Statistics Report"

Click to enlarge

Only properties that are set to localizable, or to localizable and voice-over, will be included in the Statistics Report. Text that is not meant for localization will not be included.

Both Reports were done with the entire project selected. Top 1 has no properties set to be localizable, bottom 2 has Assets set to be localizable and to have voice-over.

3 Open the export dialog via the main menu and select the Statistics Report export from the list.
4 Select the objects that you want to be included in your report.
5 Check to count template properties separately. If you are using templates on your Dialogue Fragments or any other objects, and these have localizable properties, you might want to count them separate from the nodes’ main content.
6 In the default report all localizable properties, non Dialogue Fragment nodes as well as Dialogue Fragments without a speaker or with a broken reference (i.e. non-existing entity for this speaker) are counted as “Unspecified”. If this option is checked non Dialogue Fragment content will be counted separately.
7 In the default report the estimated duration for voice-over is calculated heuristically based on word count. If this option is checked it will create an additional column in the report with the actual duration calculated from the length of all existing VO files. Please note that depending on the amount of audio files creation of the report might take some time. This is the reason this option is by default unchecked.
8 Uncheck to not automatically open the exported Excel file.
9 Choose file name and target folder for the report.
10 You can save your selected options as a Preset and load them again for later report exports. Please note that the object selection will not be saved.

Click to enlarge

This image shows the default report on the top and with activated options at the bottom. There are information about how specific fields are calculated 11. Each project language has its own tab in the report 12.

Please note that the Statistics Report functionality comes from a plugin. If you cannot find the Report entry in the export dialog, please check the Plugin Manager if the “Localization & Voiceover Reports Plugins” need to be enabled. If you are working on a multi-user project, please talk to your server administrator, as they might have disabled the plugin for all users.

If you are missing any specific functionality, you can customize the Statistics Report with the help of the free Macro Dev Kit. You can download the source code of the plugin here.