
Image objects

Add Images

Before adding an image to your location, make sure that you have imported the image as asset into your project. You can add an imported image to a location in two ways:
1) Drag & drop the asset onto your location and choose "create as image" from the appearing pop-up.

2) Use the toolbar button 1 to open a dialog that let's you select the image you want to add. The chosen asset is now displayed at your mouse cursor and can be placed with a single left-click.

Use Images as Background

To use a location image as background you simply have to place it behind all other objects of the location, see image below. Furthermore you can lock the image 2, so that you don't accidentally select it while working on other objects that are placed upon it. You find more about changing an object's z-order and how to lock objects in the chapter structuring locations.

Image Commands

If you select an image the secondary toolbar offers a few image-specific commands:

Transform 3: Let's you scale, position, rotate and mirror the selected image.
Opacity 4: Let's you change the image's opacity.
Change image 5: Let's you change the underlying asset while keeping all other properties like size, rotation, cropping, etc.
Crop image 6: Let's you crop the image to only display a specific section of it.
Reset cropping 7: Resets cropping to display the full image again.
Reset aspect ratio 8 9: Through transformation it's possible to deform an image. You can restore its original aspect ratio while keeping either the current width A or the current height B, see example below.

Open asset 10: Opens the currently selected image in an external viewer.
Open containing folder 11: Opens the folder in which the original asset can be found.