
Location objects

A location in articy:draft is simply a place where some of your story's events take place. It can range in size from small interiors to large open world areas. Locations can contain zones 1, paths 2, spots 5, links 6, texts 4 and images 3.

Assigning a background image

If you already have a sketch or map of a location you can use it as background image to place your elements upon.

A fast way to put a background image behind your map is to drag an asset from the navigator (or any other source) onto the location canvas and select Create as image when the option window pops up. You can also use Add Image (Shift + 9) from the toolbar. In the Navigator you then can lock the image so it does not get selected and moved by accident.

Location Property Sheet

The property sheet allows you chosing an avatar image for the location 7 (displayed in the tiles view and when referencing the location) and drag other articy objects onto the reference strip to express relations to this location.

Just like any other property sheet, the one for a location divides its remaining properties into several tabs 8, the "General" tab, the "Settings" tab, the "Template" tab and finally the "References" tab.

"General" tab

The description field 9 allows entering textual information about the location, e.g. the location's game world history or a summary of important places inside.
There are no restrictions on how to use the description field. You can even paste script code here if that benefits your use case, or define your own markup language. It'll all end up being exported with your project data and ready for use in your tool-chain.

A technical name 10 can be given to ease the handling of this location when using any technical export or the articy:draft API

The External ID is normally empty but can be filled with an ID this location carries inside another application. Using this external ID provides an convenient way of opening the location within another application.

The Object ID is the primary ID to identify any object within articy:draft. Normally you do not need to bother about this ID and you can't change it anyway.
In previous versions this was a GUID but now we changed it into a 64-bit Integer. This is important to know if you use the articy:draft API because instead if handling GUIDs you now need to handle this new ID type.

"Settings" tab

Here you can define default settings for this location’s objects.

"Template" tab

If you have created a template for locations (i.e. "dungeon"), you can assign the template to this location using the template selector. The "apply color"-button copies the default color specified in the template onto the location.
For example, if all your "dungeons" shall appear black, you can specify this as the template's color. Locations that were created without a template assigned have the location's default color. After having assigned the dungeon template, you can choose to overwrite the location color with the "dungeon black".

"References" tab

This section contains a set of automated reference strips:

11 Placed entities: Entites that are positioned as link in this location.
12 Can be entered from: Other locations that link to this location.
13 Can be reached from here: Other locations that are positioned as link in this location.
14 Happens here: Flow fragments and dialogues that are positioned as link in this location.